Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Found this little gem by Olivia

This email originated by me an March 16, 2007
Olivia's school writing projects were always so interesting and mostly directed at Emma.

The title of the email.....
Another of Olivia's school projects.....witnessing to a friend

Dear Emma,

I’m writing to you to tell you about Jesus. You’ve come to church multiple times, but it seems you've never paid attention to the teaching. If you just burn this letter or throw it away or something that’ll be OK because in the Bible it says something like planting a seed in someone and He’ll make it grow. The reference has slipped my mind but it sounds about right in this situation. If you have any questions you can call me or the church they will help you a lot. You have a blessed day.

Your sister in Christ, (and in real life)

Ha ha. Any sentence that begins with "There's something in the Bible..." is a winner.

haha. i loved lindsey's assessment of what's wrong with regis (this is a refernce by Carlie to another email)
"something about plaque in his arteries."
a little this, a little that.
who knows

She's ready for Wednesday night youth huh?

We gonna get that girl saved!!!!

OK!! I HAD NNOO CLUE ABOUT THIS!!!! WHAT THE FREAKIN CRAP!!! ok ive semi calmed down why did i not get told of this??????

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i REMEMBER the first mass crazy email being about Britney Spears. and i started it all... i am proud. think of what this world would be like with out it!?!