Tuesday, October 6, 2009


I have no funny stories today and I can’t think of anything to write about, so it may be one of those days. I'm watching That Thing You Do and I love that movie.

I have several things I'm annoyed about but I really can’t talk about them here so on to other topics.

Well I don’t really have any more topics.

Owen got his retainer today and I'm very close to being finished with orthodonture for life! And that should spell AWESOME. Four kids, five rounds of braces, three surgeries and nine billion dollars later, they all have straight teeth.....and it only took 13 years. Time flies when you're raising kids and spending cash.

I'm finished because clearly this isn’t working.

But on a side note, I love polka dots…..they’re awesome (sing it)!

1 comment:

Caitlin said...

I just spilled my morning coffee all down my front. Luckily my shirt isn't white and it's Friday so only about 1 1/2 more hours! Woop! Woop!