Sunday, October 4, 2009

Emails, know the drill

Title:Fire drill at school
October 10, 2007
Originated by Lisa

Yesterday Lydia came into my office and announced that we had to have a fire drill for school......supposed to each year.....never got around to it last year. We planned it for 9:00 a.m. this morning which is when the staff meeting was, followed by Plans and Purposes prayer. We made an executive decision to put it off til as not to disturb OR have to peel people off of the ceiling at about 9:01 a.m. The main problem regarding the fire drill.....the school bell for the drill.....that we never use for located in James' office. Since he no longer "works" at church (I use that term loosely when referring to church "workers".....cause, well, I've seen Whiney "work") his office is ALWAYS locked.

Let me paint a picture. I think all of you know where the school is located, on the west side of the building. James' office....and therefore the bell for the fire drill is located on the east side of the building. That's really no big deal except for the fact that it's rather far away from all of us in the school. Door is locked 24/7. We don't have a key. Lydia had to go find the key to open James' office SO we could have a fire drill. Now we just recently accepted 2 new girls into PGCA which brings us to a grand total of 16 students plus Lydia and me....that makes 18 for those of you that are counting. All of those 16 are in one room. Lydia and I are ABOUT 8 feet from each other....I can in fact YELL really loudly from my office and she can hear me.......the front door is approximately 25 feet from the classroom.....I think we can all see where this is headed. IF we have a fire, and, in Jesus name we will not, SHE OR I can yell to each other.......FIRE FIRE FIRE GET OUT OF THE BUILDING IN AN ORDERLY FASHION!! OR......when we smell or see fire..........we can go look for the key.........get the key.........go unlock James' office.......sound the alarm......and THEN exit the building.......I'm just saying........

I think that you and Lydia ARE THE FIRE ALARM!!!!!!!

haha good point.

btw. LOVE that you mis-typed and instead of "Whitney" it came out "Whiney"
i have addressed Whitney about how every time I come to the church she's always in lisa's office or jumping at the chance to hang out with me (not that i blame her). please tell us what you do productive at the church OTHER than do the bulletin, hang out, or study.
today, whitney, myself and lisa were sitting in lisa's office. lisa and i were discussing some technology mumbo jumbo, and whitney did not care for this. we then get a TEXT from her that read, "barkie and lisa, pay attention to me!"
ah, whitney.
or should i say whiney?


We have to have a fire drill ONCE A MONTH. 10 a year.

Well, there is proper procedure to be considered, and in the Spring we must have a tornado drill. We are only practicing for a main event. If in fact there is a catastrophe the alarm will go off automatically.

What you smoking Lydia? The alarm will go off automatically? What? Unless you are calling what we did yesterday automatic, I don't see that happening. My name is not automatic. That's it Lin we are having 10 fire drills this year........we'll be outside more than in. And I reread this thing like 10 times fixing misspelled stuff and I NEVER saw Whiney.......hilarious

is that "automatically" going off.... you and Lisa yelling at the top of your lungs??????

You people should have all been home-schooled by automatically i mean if there is a fire the fire bell alarm (that we pay 300.00 per year) goes off . duuuuhhhhh


1 comment:

Caitlin said...

Fire drills are still annoying even at work...