Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Look who came to visit today

William came to visit today while his mommy went to the dentist. He was happy while here, but only cat napped for about 30 minutes during the three hours. Not long after he arrived it quickly came to our attention that we don't have a good rocking chair, so we improvised with a yard rocker. That problem needs to be fixed soon. I know he's becoming quite the awake mini human being, and the lack of nappage wasn't a problem. But when I look at this tiny non hairy little boy I think, "Is he really gonna become a big hairy boy?" Of course the answer is yes, but right now it's hard to imagine. I remember right after William was born, Bill asked Owen if he was willing to "pass the torch" as the youngest member of the big family. Owen said he was more than ready to give up his title. And when I look at my big hairy boy I think, "Did he used to be a tiny non hairy little boy?" Of course the answer is yes, but right now it's hard to imagine.

A photo session took place, and today Emma said she actually looked up some other adjectives to replace the ones we use regularly like, adorable and cute, but she's forgotten them all. So we're gonna stick with our standards.

What a cutie pie.

The pursing of the lips is always a good look for him.

This did not turn into a smile. It was a wah.

Taking a break from being held. He enjoyed it.

Now this was a real smile.

This of course is the classic, "power to the people." I have one of Caitlin doing this as well. And the boy's a little bunched up here.

That's better.

Eh, not so sure about it.

And then of course the standard sleep picture. I got a million of em.

All in all it was a successful babysitting venture. We look forward to another when we're needed!

Peace out Wills!


Unknown said...

He told me he had a great time!!!! Thanks again!

Caitlin said...

Love that kid!!!