Thursday, June 14, 2012

Going home

The next best thing to having a healthy baby is leaving the hospital with the baby. But this is also the day when it hits you right between the eyes and you realize it's all up to you. And even though it's scary, it's the best feeling ever. So William's the first born, he'll be the big brother, the protector of his younger siblings...and maybe occasionally the tormenter. I can't imagine that happening except for the fact that I have 4 older siblings and a good memory. But look at that sweet little face. I'm sure he could never do anything wrong.

All ready to go in his dressy blues.

That is a perfect face.

Mom and son are almost ready.

Oh my goodness he's so beautiful.

Everyone looks excited and ready. And may I say Bill's looking exceptionally boyishly handsome in this picture

And they're off.

First car ride ever.

That's a tiny baby in that seat.

All tucked in at home.

He looks happy to be all snuggly at home.

Great job getting here Willie D.

It's already so much fun watching you grow.

God bless you with a long, happy and healthy life, little one.


gnar car said...

sweetest ever!

Anonymous said...


Caitlin said...

He's so much bigger now!!!