Thursday, September 30, 2010

My chickadees in the pumpkin patch

Fall 1986 in Corsicana

As I've stated many times, I love photos that document mayhem. I think it's brilliance on film. And in that area, the following photos do not disappoint. There's so much going on.

Let's start with the obvious. Jared is PIST and he's not hiding it. He's letting his feelings be known but the reason for his angst will be forever lost to the ages...unless he can make some crap up. But clearly the child is NOT HAPPY. Lindsey, Austin, and Meredith seem pleased with themselves. Now take a look at Brooke. She's basking in the glow of the sun and being in the driver's seat of the tractor. Kudos to her for snatching it from everyone else. But the other thing to take note of is Carmen. She's looking over the side at something. But what? Again we'll never know. However, in the next couple of photos, there's a progression of Jared's feelings and Carmen joins in as well.

The baby that barely made it in is Slade.

Meredith and Lindsey are still happy. Austin disappeared. Brooke is still basking. Jared is still pist. And Carmen just remembered she forgot something really important....or a catastrophic event just happened to her.

Carmen is now UNHAPPY and she wants someone to get her out of there! But what happened? It's a mystery wrapped in an enigma. Unless Jared can make up some crap for her too. Both seem to have been wronged. Brooke however looks like she feels as if she's accomplished everything she ever wanted in her young life.

Cute faces.

Brooke's still happy with life as she knows it.

With Meredith looking on from the background, Jared's still not over "it."

Maybe this is the "it." A cattle trailer full of children as well as Carrie who couldn't find a shirt with huge cabbage roses on it ANYWHERE.

Maybe Jared was offended at being relegated to cow status. Asking his small self, "Why do I have to ride in the freaking cow trailer people?"

Austin seems to feel the same way.

He might be thinking that Jared's anger was justified.

Corsicana in watercolor

Melanie took this picture just down the road from Gran and Grandma's. You can just see the house in the distance. I decided to play with the colors on the computer and this is what I got. I love that it almost looks like a watercolor painting. I think it's enchanting.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

October in Corsicana

It's so difficult to choose between Spring and Fall as my favorite seasons. They're both fantastic. Each has cool weather, beautiful colors and both rescue us from either very cold or very hot weather. I guess I love them equally. Combine lovely weather and brilliant colors with Corsicana, and for me, it may be perfection. And although I have thousands of pictures of Texas bluebonnets, I have no fall photos of trees and leaves. I'll have to fix that. But I do have many pictures of the pasture in the late afternoon sun. It's indescribably beautiful. The sun sets just perfectly to allow for the most beautifully lit afternoons. Back in the day, when people were was the sport of choice for fall in Corsicana.

This is Suzie, Carmen, John, Meredith, Melanie and Lindsey.

I've posted this before but it's worth another. Bessie on her porch. I wish she was still sitting there.

Same people as before but Randy and Austin are added.

We have made so many trips to Texas I'd love to know how many miles have been traveled to get there and's got to be in the hundreds of thousands. Many Octobers found as many of us who could traveling to Texas to celebrate Gran's birthday on the 5th. The fall weather would have kicked in by then and it was always so enjoyable. The weather, the makes my heart hurt today. I want it back so much. Just to have the time with Gran and Grandma and Mollie and Nina would be wonderful.

I love to remember the memories but I also love to see the memories as well. I love photographs for that reason. Even if I've forgotten, all I have to do is open a photo album and the evidence is right there to remind me.

Gran will be 107 next week. Wonder what he's up to these days?

Fall leaves come soon please

I love so many different kinds of photos I just can't tell you and it probably gets old hearing it, but once again I think these are beautiful. The barn photo is Carrie's and I've never taken a picture of it from this angle. I think it's fantastic.

And I've been in pursuit of magnificent berry photos for years....and I'm not kidding....and although I'm quite pleased with the one here, I'm certain there are more to be had. The lighting is never good and they are usually not very photogenic. Why do you elude me little red berry? I will continue to search you out.

The rest of the pictures here are from years past. I just couldn't wait any longer to post some beautiful fall leaves. I'm waiting impatiently to take this year's bounty. I hope it's going to surpass all others.

Monday, September 27, 2010

It's coming

Update to Sunday and now it's Monday

Well even without taking a nap this afternoon, I'm happy to report I didn't fall asleep in church this evening. It wasn't even close.

I've been helping Olivia write an essay about a family outing to Corsicana. I'll be posting that very soon.

Sadly, we have no trips on the books to go to Corsicana. I love to go in the fall but we missed last year and it looks like we'll miss this one as well. It makes me sad but school owns my family right now and it's impossible to get all of us together at once anywhere but in my house.

It's getting to be walking weather again. Time to hit the trail this week some night.

I'm not ready to go back to Florida pics right now because it's finally cooling off! I want beautiful fall foliage pictures instead. But as yet, there are none...but hopefully soon.

John and I will be sleeping at the church Monday night for Family Promise. This is an organization that uses churches to house people that have no homes. Pine Grove is just one church that rotates 4 times a year helping house families. The people move from church to church each week starting on a Sunday and leaving the following Sunday. And every time it's our turn to host, I come face to face with people that for whatever reason at the time, have no home. Bless their hearts. They have nowhere to lay their heads and they need a little help from someone. It breaks my heart every single time.

It makes me grateful for my home and the coziness therein.

Think about it.

If it's been awhile since you've thanked God for your house, or maybe you haven't ever thanked Him at all, take the time to tell Him how blessed you are to have your own little cozy place that you can call your own.

Not everyone can say that.

Thank you Lord for mine. I'm so grateful for the memories made in these 4 walls. And as I sit here in the dark and write these words, my family is tucked away all nice and snug.

Thank you for all you've done for me God.

And now I will end this day.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Another Sunday comes along

This has been a week. Not sure what kind of week, but in the grand scheme of weeks, it doesn't go in the great ones column. The best thing about it is, it's over. I'll not go into great detail because some things have already been reported but others to add are:

I didn't get the ULM job. Not gonna elaborate other than I was more disappointed than I thought I'd be even though I wasn't sure I even wanted it. Whatevs.

There was another potential job I found out about last Sunday and by Wednesday it had already fizzled. Whatevs again.

Owen's 2 stories of the week, He didn't win the VP of the freshman class and I think he was relieved. The other...every day I ask him who he ate lunch with and one day this week he said he saw a girl with a broken leg sitting at a table alone and he went and sat with her. Sigh.

I did an abbreviated tailgating yesterday at the ULM game because John had to cook for the Tox club. It was fun and even though I wouldn't want to do it a lot, I enjoyed watching the band and dance team perform in the grove and see all the peeps having fun. I generally say no to those types of events because I tend to be a stick in the mud but I have to say it was a good time. And on a side note, it was very strange seeing Emma, Olivia and Maggie walk around the grove as college students...again it goes by too fast.

The weather has potential to finally accommodate us folks in the south. It had gotten beyond unbearable to see 95 plus temps at the end of September. My grass is brown and my plants are dead. It's not pretty.

I bought 2 candles this week that have helped bring fall into my house. I love mulled cider candles that smell of cinnamon and spices. It makes me happy.

3 months from today, Christmas will be over. I can't believe that it's almost time to forage in the attic for Christmas decorations. It's too soon!!! Too soon!!!

Emma and I had this conversation yesterday about Lindsey's car. Me, "So you need to buy this car when Lindsey's finished with it." Emma, "I know I was thinking the same thing!" Me, "For like $5?" Emma, "And a piece of gum!" But since Bill is all financy (air quotes with a roll of the eyes and a shake of the head) when he comes back with a counter offer because he might not think a piece of gum is enough, that's when I come back offering a WHOLE PACK of gum!!" Me, "Yeah, I'm SURE that'll work."

Caitlin's singing VERY LOUDLY, "Our state fair is a great state fair." Thank you for that Olivia.

I hate watching football most of the time and when I do, many times the team I'm rooting for loses. The Saints are looking like they will fall into this category this afternoon.

Church service in West Monroe tonight at 6:00. It's 3:20 and I've not had a nap. That's not good news for my church snooze factor.

So that means I'm out.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

This is what I'm looking for...

Cool days
Chilly nights
Lovely blue skies
Beautiful colored leaves

It's time for summer to make its exit.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Broken hearts

Psalm 34:18
The Lord is close to the brokenhearted;
he rescues those whose spirits are crushed.

It seems like a good day to remind myself that only God can heal a broken heart. In this life we live there will always be opportunities to have one. The instant we take a chance on loving something or someone, you just upped your ante to the possibility of suffering a broken heart. Parents know it well because no matter how old your children are, you hurt when they hurt. But it’s not exclusive to parents. Ripple effects are huge when you love people. And hopefully most of the time life will be fun and happy and filled with much laughter.

But what about when it’s not?

There’s not much of a test in sharing joy, unless you struggle with jealousy. But helping shoulder the burden of a broken heart is the true test of love. Sadness can overwhelm you if you let it but hopefully, when the time comes, you will have at least one person in your life point you to the answer. I’m grateful for a loving compassionate God that cares about every tear shed no matter the sorrow. If we hurt, He is moved to compassion for us. He never checks off anyone’s pain as insignificant...people do that.

And when your heart is broken, He will be waiting for your decision to give Him the chance and the time to heal it. He can do it. The worst shattered heart can be made new with His tender touch and loving arms. I know He can do it. He’s done it for me many times.

And go ahead and tell Him what you are thinking because whether you believe it or not, He already knows. You aren’t hiding any of your thoughts from Him. He knows them all. If you think He can’t fix your problem, tell Him. He knows that too. But also be willing to say, “But, I’ll let you try God.” And that’s all you have to do except be open to Him, be patient, trust Him and give Him time. And it will be done.

He knows your fears.

He wants your burdens.

He is able.

He cares for you.

He whispers in your ear how much He loves you.

He dances over you.

He delights in you.

He is a good God whether we understand His ways or not.

And so if today your burden is a little soul going back to heaven instead of into the arms of 2 excited, loving parents, the heartbreak may seem just too heavy. There may be little comfort today. But I know your baby will come. And the one you never got to hold will never leave your heart and will someday be waiting to meet you in heaven. Where there will be no more tears or sorrow. Until then, Big Frank and Gran and all our loved ones in heaven have lots of swinging and rocking to stay busy.

I will trust God with all that I am even when my heart is broken.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

God bless the soldiers everywhere

Band of Brothers was on TV all day Saturday. I can never resist watching it whenever it comes on. I've watched it so many times I can recite some of the dialogue with them. It's completely mesmerizing to me.

I cannot imagine ever being able to do what those men did to help people become free. The bravery is breath taking. And listening to the old men tell their stories makes me cry every time. I have to stop whatever I'm doing to listen to their words but also to see their faces as they say them. I have to see what they say. I can't imagine ever having the courage to do what they did.

The man they called Popeye says this about Captain Winters, "I don't know how he survived." Then he pauses for what seems like forever and then he says, "But he did."

I love to hear Carwood Lipton recite the poem at the end.

I love to hear at the very end when Captain Winters says, "But I served in a company of heroes..."

It gets me every single time I hear him say those words.

I know I've never been thankful enough for the soldiers.

Monday, September 20, 2010

The making of grandparents

Happy Grandparents day to Becky and Keith!

They are the proud g parents of Ila Marie born in Ohio at 12:17a.m. our time. She weighed 8.6 lbs and is 21 inches long.


Ben and Liz are the happy parents and Andrew is a brand new uncle!

Double YAY!

So happy for all!

We'll be needing pictures asap people!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Forgiving myself

I receive lots of devotionals every day. I'm always trying to work on my attitude and how to make it better instead of what it usually is, which is terrible. I fight my attitude almost every minute of every day. Most of the time I focus on all the mistakes I make and have made over my lifetime, even though I know God has forgiven me for all of them. But it's rare that I let my failures go. And He doesn't even remember the failures that I constantly beat myself up about. Just last night I said to John I guess I've just made too many mistakes to get blessed. I'm trying to replace that with the truth.

Someday, I hope I believe it in my heart.

I'm working towards that goal every day.

It's not been easy for me.

So, when I receive a word like this one I got today, I'm reminded that I'm the one that's hard on myself. Not God.

So, if you struggle with this as well, ask God to forgive you for the mistakes you've made.

He does it instantly.

Then don't forget to forgive yourself.

No matter how hard it may be.

I know of what I speak.

What The Lord Is Saying Today
September 19, 2010.

A master jazz musician shared how when he was playing in concert with his renowned mentor, he hit a wrong chord. He noticed something unusual. His mentor played around the wrong chord and made something beautiful out of it. When the younger man later apologized for the wrong chord, the mentor said, "I didn't hear a wrong chord. Instead, I heard something new and built something beautiful out of it." The Lord says, "Do you remember the wrong chords you have played in life? And did you notice how I built something beautiful out of it? I tell you, those wrong chords do not exist for Me. I do not hear them. Each one is a starting place for something wonderful. Now go play your song and sing your tune with the excellence in ability I have given. Forget worrying about the wrong chords. I have.

Hebrews 8:12 "For I will be merciful and gracious toward their sins and I will remember their deeds of unrighteousness no more."
Ras Robinson

It's over...what next?

With these last 2 posts, the Labor Day documentation comes to an end. It was quite prolific while it lasted. I now have no new pictures and or ideas.

There are no falling leaves unless it's due to heat stroke. It's so fricking hot outside it boggles the mind. With temps staying in the upper 90's all this week, I know I won't be finding much to photograph unless it's fried grass on my lawn.

I'll be returning to my calendars shortly and daily musings but other than that, don't be expecting daily posts (Carlie) unless I get some major inspiration or a trip to Italy this week. And that's not bloody likely. But, if I could pick just one country to tour extensively, I think it would be Italy. I would love to see it in person. Maybe someday.

Good questions were answered at church today. It always comes back to minding your own business more than somebody else's. God's not interested in one single opinion we have of somebody eles'e problems. He's perfectly capable of handling everything without our input. Besides most of the time we would screw it up anyway. I'm determined to strive to be like Jesus. He loved the "regular people" in spite of themselves. It's the religious people that wanted him dead. And now I'll get off my soap box.

I'm zooming towards my read the Bible in 60 days goal on target so far. I believe I'm going to make it. 11 more days...

I'll be relinquishing the computer to college goer's soon so I'll be signing off for now.

And besides, it's nap day.

The last of the Labor Day pics Part 2

I love morning faces in Corsicana. Emma was awakened by 2 little girlies at the foot of her bed. She thought it to be delightful.

Owen just coming in from the morning survey of the farm.

Lindsey has made a new friend.

Brooke and Meredith observing the shenanigans they are surrounded by.

Pretty girl, adorable pup but Lola doesn't have the look of a country dog. She's like Becky in dog form.

Jared's photo op. I always come home from a trip with Jared only to discover I took no pictures of him. This time I made sure I did.

Carlie's incredulous....Grandma's amused....

The goat and pony show.

Love this back porch like nothing else in the world.

The 3 hams in one place at one time. Lord knows they love a photo op.

Jared swing testing.

This photo is just awkward because it seems as if Caitlin has some resentment aimed at Lindsey. Look at that look. It's frightening. If this was the Jerry Springer show via Corsicana, I'd expect to see them in the near future in a tussle on the floor fighting over something really meaningful like who's mama makes the best cornbread. That answer would be me of course.

Lovely wild flowers stolen from nearby.

Keith checking in with headquarters about cleaning.

The maker of the swings swinging the swing users.

How many cups of ice cream Lindsey? Ellie's looking interested in that cup.


The last of the Labor Day pics Part 1

Aunt Becky and Ava checking out the cows.

Maddie's bubbling the mom up.

Owen's deciding if Ellie can stay or not.

Team blue before or after defeat? I'm not sure.

Love mornings on the back porch.

Addy looking sweet.

Rosie.....the Grandma of the dogs.

Whitney trying to work it.

Cute little goat...who never butted Addy. I wish she had.

Ominous sky

Olivia enjoying her new sunglasses and wondering when state trooper school begins.

Lindsey swinging the swinging set.

Burgers and iphones....yum....

Maddie and Whitney....what yal been up to?

Swinging and chatting in the afternoon sun.

Love this so much...

Maddie contemplative or sleepy? Sometimes they are the same thing.