Thursday, September 9, 2010

This week so far

So far, this week has been a doozy and I've not had much computer time to work on posting pictures from the weekend. Hopefully I'll be able to in the next couple of days. There's been more than one fire to put out since we got home and that's just another reason I hate coming home from Corsicana. The headaches of life kicked right in on Tuesday morning...nothing that couldn't be handled fairly easily but still headaches!

I'm praying for Olivia's TOPS money to show up soon. Home study people are the red headed step children of Louisiana TOPS scholarship money. I've had to fight for each of my other girls to receive it. I have no idea why I thought Olivia would be any different...sigh.

Owen's homework is MAJOR every night...2 to 3 hours a night. And now he has to read A Tale of Two Cities. Yuk. School is a necessary relentless pursuit. He's thinking about running for vice president of the freshman class. OMG. I'll update on how that goes.

I'm discovering that my kids are the people I wish I had been when I was young. They are good students, go-getters, outgoing....maybe not Olivia yet but she's getting there...and all around likable people...and I know I'm biased. But if I had been more like them when I was their age, I would have been a much happier person. It makes me want to sigh.

I went on my very first ever in the world job interview this week. I'm not sure how I did and I'm not sure I want the job but we'll see. I'm a mom that may go to work, not a person looking for a career. I'm not sure I want one of those. My family is still my passion so I'm not certain how it would all work.

We shall see.


Unknown said...

I think maybe you weren't those things growing up that your children are but you are all those things today! You have made up for it! And they got all those traits from somewhere.... no sighing!! ;)

Anonymous said...

Hello yes run for class VP on his way to Mr Neville High School run O run and I feel pretty much the same way about my childhood should've had more confidence but oh well live and learn.

gnar car said...

"it was the best of was the worst times."

worst ever!!!