Monday, March 16, 2015

What I'm talking about today

I have been transcribing Corsicana trips for the last four days and I'm over it. I'm not the best typer in the world, nor do I have the best memory so the two make for quite the frustrating combination. I found that I'd not transcribed any trips since last July and OMG many people have taken many trips in that time. I'm happy to report I'm now up to date, but now I have to check for spelling errors and add pictures and another OMG it's gonna take a long time. Now that I've brought up spelling errors, I continue to be plagued with a few. As a matter of fact I'm also over spell check because it will change a word it doesn't like such as doesn't....misspelled comes out as docent. What the heck is docent? And I just went back and checked for errors and found it changed long time to ling time. What is a ling?! Don't do it spell check! Don't do it! Just went and looked up docent - a person who acts as a guide, typically on a volunteer basis, in a museum, art gallery or zoo. So there you go. It can't recognize that I was just misspelling doesn't and thought I meant the other. It. Makes. Me. Nuts. 

In the meantime, disease and vomit continues to make news here in the twin cities. Really it's only this city since I don't know of anyone west of the river throwing up, but it sounded better and more legit to say it like that. BUT, people. Vomit changes people's lives. It makes all people suspicious of all people and an 'every man for himself situation' begins to crop up. DOn't get me wrong, I'm one of the suspicious ones so I'm not throwing shade at other people. The struggle is real. But it's obvious after seeing how our family has reacted to a vomiting virus, I'm certain we wouldn't do well with something such as ebola. 

Today is a glorious day just because the sun's out. We haven't seen much of it in the last two months and just seeing a sunny day can change people's lives. I'm so happy to see it. Yesterday it peeked out for a bit and I decided to use Olivia's lenses for iPhones to take some pics of the tiny lovely flowers in my back yard. I struggled a bit because the yard is so wet I couldn't lay down in the grass and standing and bending and breezes blowing all made for a much more difficult time than I expected. But was I happy with the result.

They are quite tiny with a regular camera.
Addy with her steak bone. She was so excited.
The rest of the pictures were taken with a close up attachment lens to my iPhone. 

I had a difficult time culling them because I loved them all. 
Practicing on Olivia with the fish eye. She didn't know so don't tell her. 
Not so impressive as the close up.

Found these in town yesterday.
Which means spring really is coming...

And they all said hallelujah!!

Off to work and then back to home!

It all happens very quickly for me...


gnar car said...

tulips!! my five! and i am most def one of the suspicious, 'every man for itself' kind. loud and proud.

Unknown said...
