Saturday, March 7, 2015

The week of appliance limbo and two birthdays

Well people when it rains here it now snows. We've just finished another snow day and it's back to work on Friday again. Last week our first day of work was Friday. This week we had one day off and back to work on Friday. It's taking a toll about what day of the week it is. I took no snow pictures this time. I'm over it. Go away cold weather, it's time to start complaining about how hot it is. 

As I said the other day I'd report back about my washer. Well the demise of my appliances continues with the death of my washing machine. Lets assess. In the last 14 months we've had to replace our dish washer, our microwave and now the washing machine. My refrigerator is currently on life support. It's just a matter of time before it will need shock paddles or a burial at sea. In case you aren't in a cycle of needing to replace appliances, be prepared to spend lots of money.  

Never one to back down from a handy man's challenge, on Monday John attempted to fix the washer thinking it was a broken belt, well that didn't work. So by Tuesday I began the arduous process of looking for a new washer. I hate it so much. There are no less than 9000 different brands and machines currently on the market. It's daunting people. But after three trips and seven stores later, I chose a washing machine. Then I came home to find it online and order it through a website that would allow me points on a purchase. These points would go towards future purchases. SO. I ordered it. Thought I'd ordered through the correct website, didn't, tried to cancel the order, then decided I'd done it correctly, reinstated the order, only to find out it would be March 18th before delivery of my washer. No. Canceled the online order, got a confirming email about the cancellation, then John and I went to the same store in town that I ordered from the website. Bought the washer I wanted. It will be delivered on Monday. Donzos. Ordered. Not so fast. Today, (which is Friday) John got a call from a store rep telling him the washer will be delivered on March 18. No again. Me thinks the cancelled washer is not really cancelled and now we may have 45 washing machines.....or two.....showing up beginning anywhere from Monday to mid month. It's been and continues to be an adventure. I'll report back when I find out what's gonna happen. 

Last night John left to go work in Arkansas today and then come home. When he got to the plant this morning he found they'd had an outage and he wouldn't be able to work after all. Turns out he went to Arkansas to spend the night and come home. It's just not been our week.

I started this post on Friday and now it's Saturday and later today we're going to Lafayette for Lucas' first birthday party. James' party was last weekend. 

Happy birthday to the two birthday boys. 

It's so great to have these two added to the family.

I'll be posting other birthday things later this week. I hope.  

Gots to go to bed so I can get up and go!

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