Monday, September 27, 2010

Update to Sunday and now it's Monday

Well even without taking a nap this afternoon, I'm happy to report I didn't fall asleep in church this evening. It wasn't even close.

I've been helping Olivia write an essay about a family outing to Corsicana. I'll be posting that very soon.

Sadly, we have no trips on the books to go to Corsicana. I love to go in the fall but we missed last year and it looks like we'll miss this one as well. It makes me sad but school owns my family right now and it's impossible to get all of us together at once anywhere but in my house.

It's getting to be walking weather again. Time to hit the trail this week some night.

I'm not ready to go back to Florida pics right now because it's finally cooling off! I want beautiful fall foliage pictures instead. But as yet, there are none...but hopefully soon.

John and I will be sleeping at the church Monday night for Family Promise. This is an organization that uses churches to house people that have no homes. Pine Grove is just one church that rotates 4 times a year helping house families. The people move from church to church each week starting on a Sunday and leaving the following Sunday. And every time it's our turn to host, I come face to face with people that for whatever reason at the time, have no home. Bless their hearts. They have nowhere to lay their heads and they need a little help from someone. It breaks my heart every single time.

It makes me grateful for my home and the coziness therein.

Think about it.

If it's been awhile since you've thanked God for your house, or maybe you haven't ever thanked Him at all, take the time to tell Him how blessed you are to have your own little cozy place that you can call your own.

Not everyone can say that.

Thank you Lord for mine. I'm so grateful for the memories made in these 4 walls. And as I sit here in the dark and write these words, my family is tucked away all nice and snug.

Thank you for all you've done for me God.

And now I will end this day.

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