Sunday, September 26, 2010

Another Sunday comes along

This has been a week. Not sure what kind of week, but in the grand scheme of weeks, it doesn't go in the great ones column. The best thing about it is, it's over. I'll not go into great detail because some things have already been reported but others to add are:

I didn't get the ULM job. Not gonna elaborate other than I was more disappointed than I thought I'd be even though I wasn't sure I even wanted it. Whatevs.

There was another potential job I found out about last Sunday and by Wednesday it had already fizzled. Whatevs again.

Owen's 2 stories of the week, He didn't win the VP of the freshman class and I think he was relieved. The other...every day I ask him who he ate lunch with and one day this week he said he saw a girl with a broken leg sitting at a table alone and he went and sat with her. Sigh.

I did an abbreviated tailgating yesterday at the ULM game because John had to cook for the Tox club. It was fun and even though I wouldn't want to do it a lot, I enjoyed watching the band and dance team perform in the grove and see all the peeps having fun. I generally say no to those types of events because I tend to be a stick in the mud but I have to say it was a good time. And on a side note, it was very strange seeing Emma, Olivia and Maggie walk around the grove as college students...again it goes by too fast.

The weather has potential to finally accommodate us folks in the south. It had gotten beyond unbearable to see 95 plus temps at the end of September. My grass is brown and my plants are dead. It's not pretty.

I bought 2 candles this week that have helped bring fall into my house. I love mulled cider candles that smell of cinnamon and spices. It makes me happy.

3 months from today, Christmas will be over. I can't believe that it's almost time to forage in the attic for Christmas decorations. It's too soon!!! Too soon!!!

Emma and I had this conversation yesterday about Lindsey's car. Me, "So you need to buy this car when Lindsey's finished with it." Emma, "I know I was thinking the same thing!" Me, "For like $5?" Emma, "And a piece of gum!" But since Bill is all financy (air quotes with a roll of the eyes and a shake of the head) when he comes back with a counter offer because he might not think a piece of gum is enough, that's when I come back offering a WHOLE PACK of gum!!" Me, "Yeah, I'm SURE that'll work."

Caitlin's singing VERY LOUDLY, "Our state fair is a great state fair." Thank you for that Olivia.

I hate watching football most of the time and when I do, many times the team I'm rooting for loses. The Saints are looking like they will fall into this category this afternoon.

Church service in West Monroe tonight at 6:00. It's 3:20 and I've not had a nap. That's not good news for my church snooze factor.

So that means I'm out.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I LOVE a fall candle!!! I tried to get bill to take me pumpkin and mum shopping tonight. He declined, but he's pretty much being an A plus husband right now so I couldn't be mad. And tell Emma we'll negotiate that deal....Maybe throw in some resees OR a sour patch!!!!