Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The great weekend

The weekend was fantastic but much too short. Some of the highlights were: the weather, family, the mule, the setting, stories about orphanages, seeing little girls squeal with delight, hayrides in suburbans, shooting stars, millions of stars, eating, bubbles, TARR Corsicana, lots of dogs all barking at once, lots of grown boys playing ball all afternoon, musical sleeping spots, chilly nights by a fire, family ties, new memories, families growing and changing but staying the same. It was all so wonderful.

I wasn't ready to come home. But then I never have been when the leaving was from Corsicana.

Six seconds after we got home, I was helping with high school and college homework. It was so fun. I had no idea there was such a word as animadversion. But there really is. Coming up with a sentence for animadversion was fun too. I'm really learning so much more than I want to.

Here's just a peek for now. There's more to come.


Unknown said...

can't wait for the rest!!

Anonymous said...

Love the pics especially the 1 of Owen on the mule and of Ava and of girls in the swing and oh well all of em