Sunday, September 19, 2010

It's over...what next?

With these last 2 posts, the Labor Day documentation comes to an end. It was quite prolific while it lasted. I now have no new pictures and or ideas.

There are no falling leaves unless it's due to heat stroke. It's so fricking hot outside it boggles the mind. With temps staying in the upper 90's all this week, I know I won't be finding much to photograph unless it's fried grass on my lawn.

I'll be returning to my calendars shortly and daily musings but other than that, don't be expecting daily posts (Carlie) unless I get some major inspiration or a trip to Italy this week. And that's not bloody likely. But, if I could pick just one country to tour extensively, I think it would be Italy. I would love to see it in person. Maybe someday.

Good questions were answered at church today. It always comes back to minding your own business more than somebody else's. God's not interested in one single opinion we have of somebody eles'e problems. He's perfectly capable of handling everything without our input. Besides most of the time we would screw it up anyway. I'm determined to strive to be like Jesus. He loved the "regular people" in spite of themselves. It's the religious people that wanted him dead. And now I'll get off my soap box.

I'm zooming towards my read the Bible in 60 days goal on target so far. I believe I'm going to make it. 11 more days...

I'll be relinquishing the computer to college goer's soon so I'll be signing off for now.

And besides, it's nap day.

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