Wednesday, June 27, 2012

It's picture time at the church

I know all people who read this blog have been sitting on pins and needles waiting to find out if we made it to the church on time, or early. Actually, that couldn't be farther from the truth since almost all of my blog followers were the same ones trying to make it on time! The simple answer is, yes we made it with much time to spare. The wedding of Kelly and Jon took place in a huge Catholic church in Texas, and most people who know me know quite well the issues I've had with many things Catholic scaring the begeezez out of me. Because, don't ever forget, nuns are some of the scariest people on earth. At least the ones I knew. And I don't care if you personally knew a nice nun, I never did. And it wasn't bad behavior on my part, so just keep that comment to yourself. They were frightening and somewhat pissed off at the world. And even though I saw no visible nuns in the church, I have no doubt they were lurking somewhere, ever at the ready to rap someone across the knuckles for something they didn't like. So, imagine my lack of surprise when I saw this sign in the church. There were multi of these all over the place.

I'm telling you these people mean business. So if you find yourself in a service at this place, prepare to "hold it" til it's over, cause I have no doubt one of those lurking nuns will tackle you to the ground to win the day. I'm just telling you the truth. And I pretty much feel the same way about priests as well. The priests I knew were meanies, with one telling me my third grade drawing of Jesus was, "not at all what Jesus would look like." Come to think of it, how the heck did he know anyway? WHAT. A. JERK. I remember going to church with Mollie and Nina when I was little and we went down to the altar for communion and when I didn't say amen loud enough the priest man yelled....or stated very loudly, "SAY AMEN!" Hello angry priest man! I was trying to avoid you even noticing me in case you were hungry and wanted to eat a small child! And that's just one of the reasons for the begeezez being scared out of me by those people. That story is true and non-fabricated.

But on this day in this place, I made sure my behavior was impeccable and remained as still and quiet as a mouse. Besides, I was sitting next to Becky, and she's just one step down from nuns on the scary scale! OK that's not really true, but it is a little. Anyway, the priest declared no photography during the ceremony so, there was none. Once the ceremony was over, we stepped in and took quite a few photos. Well, let me tell the real truth, Melanie took many photos. I took just a few because you can't keep your eye on a priest and in the camera at the same time. Melanie got the good ones. Have a look.

The lovely newly married couple.

Scary man in the background. Take cover.

They look so cute.

Some of the family attendees, Randy, Kelly, Keith and Becky.

Dale and Willie D, who behaved perfectly. I'm talking about Willie, not Dale.

Lovely girls.

Oldest and youngest of my kiddoes.

Carrie and another great picture with her nieces. It's been a good year for pictures of Carrie with her nieces.

The older generation. The bro in law, the husband, and the cousin.

Such a cutie pie baby boy.

Another great picture.

As well as this one of my cousin and her husband.

The proud parents of the bride.

Love love love the dresses AND the shoes.

Heather with her four adorable kids. So cute!

Owen and the Gmaw looking mighty fine.

People waiting as pictures were taken. Also, in this photo are two signs yelling at people not to leave early!

This is a great of Connie, Cyndi and Tori.

The groom and his groomsmen.

The lovely bride.

Love her beautiful dress.

Mom with her lovely daughter and son-in-law.

I especially love this picture.

Well done Melanie on the photo taking. And when the photographing was finished, it was off to the reception at the most charming venue in McKinney Texas. Come back and see for yourself another day. Hopefully soon.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the shout out. Love a wedding especially one in Texas!! Fun day for sure!!

Becky said...

I'm NOT scary!

Becky said...

well maybe scary looking but NOT scary!

Caitlin said...

Your blog is great entertainment during conference calls and my arms look really long in a pic up there.... like orangutan long.