Thursday, June 28, 2012

Reception fun

On the ride to the reception, this was our lovely view.

This Marine wasn't directing traffic, and who doesn't love a man in uniform?

Some of the Louisiana Walkers arriving. This building was in the middle and was surrounded by quaint little antique stores and cafes. It was so cute.

The west Texas Walkers.

Kelly patiently waiting to be announced with her new hubby.

And here they are.

They look happy and relaxed. The wedding planning can be fun, but there comes a time when it's better when it's over! And I love the guy standing against the wall. Meditating I'm sure.

First dance.

Look at Jon's purple headed silhouette. Interesting.

Mom enjoying the moment.

Love the cutting of the cake with the sword.

Something ain't right.

Smile Randy, you've got food.

Mollie's always camera ready.

Looking good Swander peeps.

Everyone cleans up quite nicely.

Keith and Joe.

Emma was trying to steal William from me. It didn't happen.

Heads melded together.

Carrie and the boys.

My hair's a little wonky.

The O and the M.

When I first saw this I thought, "Holy smokes, why didn't someone tell me how bad my hair was?" Then I realized it was the shadow of my hair on the wall, and I was relieved and amused. William could care less.

He's moved on to others.

Olivia's getting an idea from William.

Whitney and the marines again.

People grouping up for a girlie picture. Olivia looks delighted with her closeness to Mollie.

A few more peeps showed up to join them.

Looks like Carlie's stirring up trouble. Typical.

I took this picture holding my camera up over my head. This is what I get for doing it that way. And Carlie says, "Woop woop, party in the house!"

Same thing here.

And again.

Four generations represented here.

And Melanie took this lovely picture through the sunroof in her car. This was the building where the reception was. It's enchanting.

And so ended another fun filled Texas wedding weekend. As weddings go, this one was aces. I'm sort of sad I don't have anymore on the books, so if you know anyone getting married in Texas, tell them to call me.

For Kelly and John I hope for the best of everything above all that you've dreamed. Health and happiness, with no worries or struggles. I'm glad this wedding will always be in my bank of fond memories. Congratulations to the new Walkers. I'm so jealous you got to keep your name, but the DMV is gonna freak when you try to explain it.



gnar car said...

hahah that pic is awesome

fun times!

Caitlin said...

William looks so funny in the four generations picture! He looks like a giant baby!