Tuesday, June 12, 2012

A peek inside the delivery room

More consternation has occurred when trying to choose photos from the delivery room. To me, this whole experience is very personal, and a glimpse into it is a privilege. So after looking and relooking and studying and talking to Lindsey, here are the photos I've chosen. These are more than I originally planned to post. I'll not commentate, but here is an observation and one identification. The lady holding William is Lindsey's doctor. Such a sweet person and awesome at her job, even though she barely looks old enough to do it! Also, the body language of Bill in the second photo speaks volumes, something about being unable to do anything but stand by and watch this event take place. And although the birth of the baby was the goal, it's not easy to do or to observe.

The other thing I've thought about when seeing this process of baby birthing is, it's the most amazing miraculous thing I've ever seen in my life. To start as a tiny embryo and develop into a full term baby and then grow into adulthood, it's mind boggling to me. When I look at William, then look at my teenaged boy, once just as tiny, it confounds my mind. Because they really do grow up and go to high school and have whiskers and fart and drive cars. It really happens. I'm just glad it doesn't happen overnight. Which brings me to my final observation. We never stop growing into something else. All of us are constantly becoming something more than we were. Think about what you are now, a mother, a grandmother or grandfather, a great grandmother, an aunt, an uncle, a cousin. What more will you become as the years progress? William begins as a son, a grandson, a great grandson, a cousin, a nephew, a great nephew, someday he will be a friend, a kindergartener, a high school student and a college graduate, maybe president. Maybe. And we get a front row seat to watch it all happen. Now that's fun stuff.


Unknown said...

The sweetest day of my life!!!!

gnar car said...

he was the cutest from the second he got here!

Anonymous said...

Brings a tear to my eye! Look forward to more days like this :)

Caitlin said...

It's like living it all over!