Saturday, October 10, 2009


Well I actually started a blog a couple of days ago and just told people about it tonight. I have changed it a billion times since I started it and I have never really realized how neurotic I can be and how very critical of myself I am. I'm itching to go back and change things even this minute.

Today was very uneventful except for the lovely weather and I'm looking forward to the changing of the leaves and the photographing that will take place as well. It's so much more enjoyable walking in the cool weather instead of 90 degrees plus humidity. But even with the cooler weather those demon mosquitoes were waiting for us...but I'm determined to defeat them. I just need a plan or........possibly just some heavy duty bug spray.

I had a grown up lunch today with 4 very special people and that was lovely. At 50 years old I still think about things being grown up. Hmmm...wonder how un-grownup that makes me.

And on a very serious note, all 3 of our dogs are right now.....before my very eyes.....visibly defying me by getting on the couch ALL THE TIME especially sitting in MY spot. I even caught Rosie on the couch today. She's never had the nerve to get up on the furniture until these other 2 bad dogs have been doing it.

My kitchen chair rungs have almost been bitten clean through, the couch has well defined gnawed edges and pillows are just huge square chewy rawhides to Addy.

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