Monday, October 19, 2009

Another day over

Church was good today and after missing last week, it reminds me that I never need to skip. This past week was pretty tough and one of the reasons was because I wasn't at church last Sunday. I need a refill every week and not just church but Bible reading, worship and prayer. I don’t know how people do it without God cause it ain’t a slam dunk with Him. It’s hard work.

Clara ate lots today and she has turned a corner and is healthy and healed in Jesus name. Thank you God for caring about the big stuff and the little pups as well. It does matter that a little pup is injured and people want her healed. Round the clock feedings....are these kids or pups but it will be over before we know it and they will be someone else’s.

Some random thoughts:
We are gonna have to seriously consider building an ark before too long because the rain is out of control.
I do love rainy nights…..just not too many in a row.
I love secret notes and messages from God. I got one today but choose to keep it just between Him and me.
I love faithful friends.
I love puppies.
I love a certain puppy that is getting better every day.

When we get home from puppyland, Addy and Dottie are at the door ready to sniff us out. It’s like they are saying, “Hold it! What IS that smell?” And they proceed to sniff up and down rapidly for as long as they can. It amuses me every time.

I love the fact that our family pulls together in tough times no matter what the tough times are. Difficult times come in all shapes and sizes and we have weathered many more than I wish we had but it’s good to know when stuff happens we stand together. From death to nursing puppies and everything in between we get through it together. I love that.

I love my family
I love God
I love Jesus
The Holy Spirit is awesome.
I want to see amazing things with spiritual eyes.
I’ve read the end of the book devil and you lose every single time…….

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