Sunday, October 11, 2009

Puppy Chronicles

Man the weather is so good it’s unbelievable. Chilly nights and cool days are a gift from God. And Texas may be having pups tonight so it could be a late night for puppy watchers. I have no divine revelations today and nothing of importance that I can think of so I have done my duty for now by writing something down and if I come back later and add to, then that will just be gravy.

October 1, 2009
Puppies born
got home at 4:00 AM

October 2, 2009
Lots of puppy time….so adorable……could squeeze them. Yummy

October 3, 2009
One pup gone to heaven… sad. I hate sad days and things that you wish you could change but can’t. Maybe not a completely broken heart but definitely one that’s taken a few hard knocks. I would love a billion days with no sad events of any kind. Sigh…………..

October 4, 2009
No big news today. Lots of puppy watching which is the most fun. Watching the tumbling and the nursing and the fussing and the positions that they can get in is sheer fabulousness. How can these tiny little beings be so delightful? Round little bellies and tiny little feet….it’s hard to believe they will be big dogs some day.
They bounce pretty well too……isn’t that right Sammy?

Tomorrow is Gran’s birthday and he was very delightful as well.

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