Saturday, October 17, 2009

Randomness again

I have some thoughts about my next post....not sure if I should do another really long one yet though. This posting is a little harder than I thought it would be. When I relinquish this computer to Caitlin, I will probably not see it for a very long time as she has to "study." I will take a lovely cool Saturday afternoon walk. The dogs have already been out about 50 times today. It's like they can't believe it's not raining. Addy we speak terrorizing the neighborhood by barking at any and everything that comes by. It is currently 59.6 degrees at 12:17 may be a long and boring day. Emma just admitted voluntarily that when she and Maggie were younger, they watched the I Know What You Did Last Summer movies and when she was explaining the guy with the hook she did her finger in a hook shape. It was the exact same scariness as the movie I'm sure.

It's pretty much a perfect sunny October day and I wish I were in Corsicana with Gran and Grandma sitting on the back porch.

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