Thursday, October 15, 2009

Sleeping in, pink pants, rabbits, guns and other stuff too

This email spanned 3 days and when I was copying and pasting, it covered 16 pages so it is very long but very classic. And of course it originated with Whitney.....cause she never had anything better to do than to get a very large spoon out and stir a pot.....any pot......and then sit back and watch what happened. Because if you notice, she rarely re-enters the conversation.......... Also remember this was back in the days of stationary computers...before any of us had phones with emails....hence the time span between responses.

Uh family discussion….immediate and extended
Whitney 9:06 AM
Mom, Mollie, and Me (Whitney) were out of the house early this morning.
Mom and Mollie at 7:30. (Me a little at 7:30 cause I took Mollie to work.)
But, officially me at 8:30 to my job.
When I left, Dad and Jared were still asleep.
I'm thinking we need to re-evaluate some things in our household.
What does the counsel say

Judy 9:12 AM
I want to be a man.

Carrie 9:22 AM
I say cold marbles in the bed!!!!!!!

Judy 9:23 AM
Yeah, and then RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!!!

Lindsey 9:26 AM
I say, I want to figure out what Dale and Jared are doing and DO IT. No condemnation from me!!

Lydia 9:27 AM
Geez...I left at 5:30 and got no mention.

Jared 9:28 AM
Not asleep...readin. In my room still yes, dog snoozin, yes, but I was readin. Now its 10:00 and I'm mowing for 10 more hours. Welcome.

Whitney 9:28 AM
Mom, I say this calmly.

Lindsey 9:31 AM
I LOVE that Lydia entered the discussion. Finally!

Judy 9:38 AM
We have a contest, ladies and gentlemen!!! Who can complain the loudest and/or elicit more sympathy and compassion from the viewing audience?
Next riddle: How long will it take Dale to beg to be released from this round of Craz-email?
Judy 9:40 AM
I don't have an email from Lydia. But I have two from everybody else. Waaaa, waaaa, waaaa.
Lindsey 9:44 AM
Does ANYONE really want to rival me on the complaining and sympathy race? Um, I've got that one covered up.

Judy 9:45 AM
Just a slight deviation from the subject - only temporarily, as it is so very fascinating - but why am I getting all the emails twice? Even mine?

Mollie 9:52 AM
mrs. judy i don't know why you are getting all the emails twice. very strange. maybe you have some weird receipt setting that got turned on accidentally so now you are getting receipts to all the emails. but basically i don't know what that's about.
as for the sleepin thing. i think we should all go back to bed. we should follow the head of the household because it really is just so insane to be awake at six a.m. and ya know what else..i forgot my lunch. sucks! i was lookin forward to some mexican..mmm. i guess i'll have to see if dad is awake to bring it up here to me.

Judy 10:10 AM
Okay, okay, okay, FINE. We'll all compete for SECOND place. For the first prize, you have everyone's permission to get a Palm Trio and a yellow lab named Grace. Immediately and without hesitation. But really, good luck with the donations thing.....

Editor's Note......Although I distinctly remember Lindsey wanting a palm treo and a dog, and apparently she was asking for donations to achieve both of her goals, I could not find an email that stated just pretend that you read it and it was brilliant. Also I am making Judy's times up because as near as I can tell, her computer clock was always ahead of the rest of ours. If there is a time out of whack, I DO NOT want to hear about it.

Dale 10:16 AM
i will only say this once so as not to sound boastful, i was seeking God, He has said in His Word that He will speak in visions and dreams. i am obligated to study the word and pray (acts 6) that must be done alone, away from the .....................

Whitney 10:20 AM
(Do you take master card? I'll give $10 if you do.)

Lisa 11:07 AM
Wow I had 23 emails.
As far as the whining.....yes unless my breaking my fingernail is not considered tragic, Lindsey is still in the lead .
Seeking God through dreams and visions! WHAT A LOAD OF CRAP!....seeking cracks in the eyelids. ALWAYS pisses me off when I have to get up and someone is still asleep somewhere....therefore I guess I'm always ticked cause someone somewhere in the world is asleep right now.
All I can think regarding Jared is man he is gonna stink tonight.
My issue.......Every day when I am in my office I hear what sounds like someone dropping something like huge pieces of plywood down somewhere in the building. What the heck is that?
And oh yeah IF people pass by our church and IF they point and say crazy people go to church there............well I'm just saying.......
and the copy of the emails Judy, no freaking..........

Mollie 11:31 AM
does anyone else just love the fact that as soon as dad and jared got called to the carpet on this whole sleeping all day thing they both said "oh i was with God"..psh. no. you. were. asleep.
yes sirs. just admit it.

Lisa 12:19 PM
crazy is confirmed. Dale is wearing pink pants while mowing.

Editor's Note again......I know there are no times for the following emails.......don't tell me......
Lydia Ahhh, but you have not seen the jonquil colored pants. They were 6.99 per pair for work clothes a bargain. I had to stop him from ordering 6 pair of each!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lydia, Lydia......surely you do not APPROVE of these jonquil and dusty rose britches! You're not even color-blind, so no excuses!

He has his own credit card. It was all I could do to stop the 6 pairs of each(which is a total of 12)

He'll be wearing them forever, won't he?

only until they get stained or get a newer and better color

I vote for lime green.

Emma 12:23 PM
oh the joys of getting billions of emails (26 actually) and not understanding anything, but instead coming up with my own stories as to why everyone is angry because someone else is asleep and theres a contest going on also.... first thing i thought when i saw that dale and jared were alseep was that they slept till like 1 PM which would have been fabulous (my kind of sleeping). stephanies story is pretty funny and i guess thats all... i can picture everyone in this joint email thing standing with pitch forks and fire getting ready to go after dale and jared because they slept later than anyone else... yes i have rambled on
current mood: i dont know

Next Editor's note.....I have no idea to what story Emma is referring and did not care to try to find out. Also since it was August in Louisiana, it was hot so just make up a temp. And who left the oven on? We never find out. It's like a tiny mystery wrapped up in the middle of crazy.

Judy 12:33 PM
I actually just walked outside to water my plants. Stayed for about five minutes and nearly melted from heat. My greatest sympathies with Dale and Jared for being out there and they have permission to sleep late again tomorrow if they want to.

Lydia 12:40 PM
bought 3 pair at 6.99 apiece. Excellent price for work pants. BUT, you have yet to see the Jonquil colored pants. I had to stop him from buying 6 pair of each!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Caitlin 12:50PM
Can I just say that I love g-mail because it puts all of these
crazy mass e-mail conversations into one category and then I can just
scroll down and read them in the order that they were sent.
It's a blessing.
I don't want Jared and Dale's jobs even if they get to sleep a little
later because it's hot outside. However...... I will organize my
schedule accordingly next semester to ensure that I will not have an 8
o'clock class especially not an 8 o'clock math class in which I have a
teacher that requires optimal focus just to understand her through her
accent and that's not even counting the focus for the actual math.

Judy 12:55 PM
I thought crazy was confirmed when SOMEBODY kept hearing strange noises in the church building......however, pink pants OUTSIDE IN PUBLIC!!!! is over the edge, I'm thinking. What kind of person would invent man's pink working pants and then actually sell them.. That's just painful.

Melanie 1:46 PM
Hey I win the prize for most emails I had 63 I checked my email last night at 1 AM and I was current now at 1PM---63 and by the way I slept in also it was great. Yes Dale and Jared can have a day off cause I bet they will be at the habitat for humanity house bright and early Sat. morn.
Lin go for the phone yeah you can get just about anything right now and PUPPY I will puppy sit all day I totally support that........Grace where are you?
Dale and pink work pants this I gotta see but you know Big Frank has been wearing em for years he has just turned into his dad.

Whitney 1:59 PM
By the way Jared and Dad, when I went home to MAKE YOUR LUNCH, i saw that someone left the oven on. Nice. Brilliant. Goooooood thinking.
And all you other people...bailing on me! Having sympathy for them!
Gah. Thanks alot.

Editor's Note.... i'ts sooo out of character for Whitney to chastise and criticize.

Judy 3:54 PM (I didn't fix this time and I don't even care)
Just a little reminder that when you went to make their lunch, it was with AIR CONDITIONING....It's BRUTALLY hot out there. My dogs won't even go outside today.

Carlie 2:29 PM
27?!? 27 emails. we are insane.
not only was dale wearing pink pants. he was wearing HOT pink pants.
the weed eater had some influence on his wardrobe choice. when asked
why in the world he was wearing pants in the hot as hell weather?
"i'm a little delicate."
jared replys, under his breath,
"he's a weenie."
we DO know carrie will go crazy with her emails once she sees this,
don't you? we'll see alot of, "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
and "????????????????????????????????"
i have to go now because i have an assignment due tomorrow for
English. which i disagree with the professors making us do any kind of
work the first week of school. UGH.
i'm so glad school is back.

Lindsey 2:31 PM
Mom- so glad you support my decisions, but the phone right now without my contract being up is a whopping 700 bucks. Yep. So, don't know if I can swing that, but I haven't given up hope at all. Maybe if I bat my eyelashes real good they'll cut me a deal. Secondly, I can't find lab puppies. I mean just a yellow lab. No papers. No amazing bloodline. Haven't found it, but everyone's eyes stay peeled!!

Jared 2:35 PM
I ate cereal for don't use the oven for that.

Emma 2:37 PM
ladies and gentlemen what we have on our hands is another big frank...

Emma 2:39 PM
OMG!! i said that before i read yours!.!. we are totally on the same page.

Melanie 2:38 PM
Yes I will keep my eyes peeled for pups but yeah 700 bucks wow that is a bunch but maybe those lashes will work

Olivia 3:00 PM

Melanie 2:55 PM
great minds think alike

Lisa 3:10 PM
Olivia there are so many whats to answer you just better get out while you can

Judy 5:12 PM
That's what I'm sayin'. Totally. Run

(E.N. abbreviation for editor's note because I got tired of typing it out) Remember that Bailey had been bringing home rabbits and ducks and bears.....oh my........

Judy 5:27 PM You want Bailey? She's half lab. Then you can have lots of other EXTRA animals - completely free of charge.

Lindsey 3:53 PM
I'm going for more of the cute cuddly baby thing, but thanks for thinkin of me.

Judy 5:55 PM (No idea what the real time is I just made this one up)
But wait! That's just it, Lindsey, Bailey will BRING you LOTS and LOTS of cute, cuddly baby things! Just think about it!!!

E.N. then Maggie comes in with the classic's a twist or change in the conversation....if you will

Maggie 4:30 PM

E.N. and it would seem that Jared is for some reason excited about Maggie getting a might assume that he would be thinkiing he would have something new for target we somewhat confirm when Austin shockingly soon weighs in on many subjects......

Jared 4:48 PM
Woohoo! Congrats!!

Emma 4:31PM

Maggie5:22 PM
Soon. and thank you.

Lydia 5:39 PM
I REFUSE to be married to Big Frank

Austin 8:54 PM
OK, for all of the blanket email conversations i've stayed out of, i plan on getting in on this.
1.) Jared works about as hard as anyone i know minus my boss Jody, of course. He can do whatever he wants pretty much...he does work 72 hours a day. If that means sleeping in/reading, then so be it. Besides leading all you people into Worship is tough work....mhmm.
2.) Dale is already married thus what he wears bears no effect on anything other than how cheap he got them and how comfortable they are. So Dale, way to go. Efficient buying. Maybe these women can learn something.
3.) I was up at 8 am going to Anatomy and Physiological Kinesiology, so if anyone wants to trade, let me know. I dont wanna hear too much complaining. Mollie, you work in the AC in an office, Whit same for you. Lin, the only thing that saves you is that you have like a billion 4 year olds. Maggie, you do nothing. Mom, i was home for 20 min before you even got up. Cait, sucks to be you. Lisa, seriously. Emma and Olivia, see Maggie's above.
4.) Lydia was up at 530 am...thats intense, and she was working out no less. I assume she was swimming. So she pretty much has us allll beat.
5.) Maggie, I will shoot your rabbit.
E.N. and Carlie was delighted that Austino decided to join the convo but you can't try to sneak a 72 hour day by Miss bright eyes

Carlie 8:58 PM
austin speaks!
excellent. laughed. ALOT.

Carlie 9:04 PM
by the by. i did catch the "72 hours a day". that's pretty much impossible.
can't get past me. muah!

E.N.Then Carrie began responding and responding and responding........

Carrie 9:11 PM
I HAVE 47 EMAILS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I AINT KIDDIN....47!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GOOD GRIEF PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!! JUST LIKE OLD TIMES.......

E.N. Then I chimed in with a brilliant response....maybe to Austin's but I really have no idea......

Lisa 9:13 PM
HA ha ha ha ha I am speechless

Carrie 9:15 PM
I know Lin this is the FIRST TIME EVER...... Lyd has stayed under the radar for months.....time to join the ranks....oh yeah and it WAS ABOUT HER!!!!!!!!!!!!yes Mom was the first word...............

Carrie 9:16 PM

Lisa 9:17 PM
tooo late Lydia my dear he is just a larger version of the Big Frank......I am however married to Billie June

Carrie 9:18 PM
GOTTA SAY LIN....THAT ONE MADE ME LAUGH......yeah you got dibs baby!!!!!!

Carrie 9:20 PM
ok I think I missed some emails.... good grief how could I have?????????Palm Trio and Grace??????

E.N. And Carlie stating that she is in a cheery mood and chiming in on the fact that she recognizes that John = Billie June

Carlie 9:24 PM
oh my, lisa- YOU DID.
i'm in a very laughable mood tonight, if you can't tell.

Carrie 9:35 PM
HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!Livvy you crack me up!!!!!!!

Carrie 9:38 PM
I tellin BAILEY...

Carrie 9:38 PM
too late girly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Judy 11:39 PM
Tell Bailey and I'll mail her to you.
E.N. Apparently Jared has expressed some aggravation at the number of email responses that Carrie piles up.....hence the following

Carrie 9:50 PM
thanks to EVERYONE FOR MAKIN US LAUGH.......:)

Carrie 10:36 PM
yes Carlie............alllll for you....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Carrie 10:36 PM
YOU ARE SOOOOO RIGHT EM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Judy 11:28 PM
1.) Agreed, only I don't know your boss.
2.) So does this attitude mean that after you get married you won't give a flying flip anymore what your wife looks like, only that she buys things cheap? Maybe Dale can teach her how to dress gross and inexpensive. Hey! I have some of Holly's old clothes - your wife can have them free.
3.) You left me out of this one. I got up at 3 a.m. when most of the rest of you were going to bed. And I did actually walk outside today to water my plants, so....
4.) See no. 3. I work out at night.5.) If you shoot Maggie's rabbit I will tell Whitney and loan her my gun. Also (IT'S THE LAW!) if Maggie gives the rabbit a name - you can't eat it.

Austin 10:52 PM
Ok, my apologies to Mrs. Judy. 3 am is also intense and at least you went outside. Well done. Also, i guess i gotta be quick on shooting her rabbit. I am a good shot though.
Now the clothes thing. I'd say after 20 years its ok to kinda quit worrying about it. But know this, my wife will be smoking hott and it really wont matter what she wears, she'll be hot. I'd bet the house on that. And its completely different for guys than girls. And i don't wanna hear any sexist crap cause you ALL know thats the truth.
But, once again, Mrs. Judy, i apologize for not including you. What was i thinking?

Carrie 10:53 PM
well I wasn't mentioned either.......

Olivia 11:39 PM
You only think me and maggie don't do anything...
E.N. In reading the following response.....we all know Maggie and Olivia illicit a certain amount of fear and respect

Carlie 11:41 PM
olivia's reply terrifies me because i believe her.

Carrie 11:53 PM
i didn't get the inflection until I read your email Carlie... yeah you are right sscccaaarrryyyyy....between CSI and man alive man (who they say is a phony)....thems fighin words.... Mag and Liv may be MAKING A RABBIT...

Carlie 12:06 AM
he's not phony. the man drank his own pee, ate a grub, ate a live fish, and drank water from elephant dung.
i personally don't care if he slept in a hotel for a night.
E.N. This exchange is in reference to Bear Grylls show that had a bit of controversy about where he slept at night.

Carrie 12:13 AM
I don't care if he slept in the hotel either... but the pee and the dung water thing does disturb....ALOT......

E.N. And so ends the first day of the emails that I labeled pink pants/rabbit email....although it encompassed so many more useless topics than just these 2. But the conversation is not over.....because in the dark of night Maggie angrily weighs in yet again and apparently funding is a big big deal.......

Maggie 12:24 AM
Thank you, Olivia.
Mrs. Judy, I agree completely. I plan on naming it Flapjacks.
I will get a rabbit (which I will fund) soon enough. I think I deserve one...
- I didn't get a car when I was 16 unlike everyone else in my family, not fair, I would take a rabbit (which I will fund) over a car right now.
- Austin got a gigantic T.V. along with a new bed and sheets just cause "my bed was so big, I couldn't see the T.V."
- I'm going to buy it with my own money so who cares if I get one, its not gonna hurt you.
- I'm going to keep it in my room where my family RARELY goes into so what does it matter.
- I don't have a car, I keep my room clean, I do good in school and I will clean the cage out (which I will have funded) and let her live a happy life.
- I got a fish and yes that isn't has hard as having a rabbit but if you asked my mom how many times she looks at the fish; it wouldn't be a lot.
Maya will not eat the rabbit (which I will have funded). I will have the cage (which I will have funded) closed at all times on a high shelf. No need to worry about Beaux because he rarely goes into the house as it is and NEVER comes into my room.
I WILL have one sooner or later.
So NOBODY mess with me!
Current Mood: Angry

E.N. I told you she was pissed....and then she sent pictures of rabbits without words letting the photographs speak for themselves but it messed up my entire post when I tried to add the bunny pics so just imagine 4 really really cute pictures of bunnies. And everyone knows I can't resist a smart aleck comment.

Lisa 12:41 AM
Now who is gonna fund that rabbit? I think I forgot who you said.

Maggie 12:48 AM

Carrie 12:46 AM
Flapjacks sound really good right now....
Mood: apparently hungry.....
Mags maybe you and Linny can have a "I want a new phone and I want a rabbit" "fund drive" since you are goin to "fund"

Carrie 1:02 AM
I say picture NO. 4...........

Judy 4:50 AM (E.N. who the heck even cares what time it is anymore so I'm not even trying)
I am just going to say I went to bed at 9:50 last night. I had 152 emails when I got up this morning (at 2:48 a.m., Austin) - all from you people, which has to be the current record. I read them all. I have much to say to you all, as soon as my brain stops vibrating.

E.N. Then Austin sent pictures of really really big guns with this statement

Austin 10:13 AM
Great for long distances or close quarters combat. 30 rounds.

Caitlin 3:32 PM
So Austin's e-mail was hilarious and I laughed a ton.
I love the fact that Maggie uses the phrase "which I will fund" a ton in her e-mail.
I'm in total support of the rabbit. I think it's a good idea.

Maggie 4:18 PM
Thank you Caitlin

Lydia 10:42 AM
Thanks Austin, I guess us May babies have to stick together. Where are you Livvy
E.N. And then it was really just a matter of time until Melanie laid the law down about the bunny.

Melanie 11:01 AM
Okay has anyone noticed what they are trying to bring in MY HOUSE I have spoken you must get permission from me to bring anything else in here and so far you cannot have a rabbit and a gun that you can shoot in close quarters. NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that was for you Carrie
current mood DON'T YOU DO IT

Carrie 11:20 AM
who could shoot Thumper???????????

Maggie 11:45 AM
I will get flapjacks.

Emma 11:49 AM
i would be afraid of what she just said if i were you...all of you.... i get an out because they like me... muahaha!

Emma 11:51 AM
oh yay!! im so excited!!

Emma 11:53 AM
Mrs. Judy, 2:48 a.m. is not morning it's later that night!

E.N Well once again I can't import smiley faces but picture the smiley face with a mouth wide open for Melanie......a smiley with an angry face for Maggie and a smiley with sunglasses for Austin

Lisa 11:58 AM
I think it's well established that Austin and Jared could blow the ears off of close quarters. My money is still on Melanie...a picture of her saying no to rabbits and guns.....this would be Maggie when she realizes she isn't getting the rabbit.......and this is Austin thinking about his new gun

Lisa 11:59 AM
HA ha ha ha Emma I completely agree it IS later that night

Olivia 12:10 PM

Austin 12:11 PM
What you people don't know is that i already HAVE the gun. So good try, It's in the bible, i looked it there. (that one's for Carlie)
Emma, I'm pretty sure that you'll be the first to go. I think those two may just keep you around just to make fun of you.
And I'm heartless, I would shoot Thumper in a second. And then send Texas to go pick it up for me.
Mrs. Judy, you need to sleep more. It's a great gift that God gave us and you're wasting it!

Carlie 12:37 PM
don't name it flapjacks. please. just because Ryan and Taylor from the
OC named thier rabbit flapjacks doesn't mean you have to. CAITLIN -
hint, hint.
I got the daxflame reference austin. so, riddle me this.,...riddle me this.
i don't care about maggie getting a rabbit. she says she'll keep it in
her room but she never goes in there except to sleep. so... i guess
the question is....will this rabbit be treated like it should be?

Mollie 12:58 PM
i think the real question is, does maggie have flapjacks already...because it sounds like no one ever goes in her room. she could have the rabbit hidden away in there right now and is just telling us about it so we will be aware that she wanted one when the rabbit randomly shows up in the living room one day...hmm...something to ponder.

Emma 1:10 PM
I am the glue that holds us three together!!!!

Melanie 1:10 PM
Mollie you are the Maggie and Olivia of your family cause that's a frightening thought. but I do go in there and you can't hide the smell of the rabbit cage in the house that is what they don't realize the smell alone will run us all out.

Lisa 1:23 PM
Nice call Mollie.....had not thought about that. IF Maggie already has the rabbit, I'm sure Maya was the mastermind behind the plan. I'm saying that dog has a playbook and if she had the proper tools, she would be building her own city.

Whitney 1:33 PM
I am so proud to have started this maddness. It all started with one little thought about lazy men and has grown into animals, fire arms, competition...other things too i just can't remember.
Maggie, I will sit for the rabbit when you are out of town.
And, you might not have to buy and caitlin ride bikes past these rabbits that just play in the front well behaved. Let me know and I'll put one in my basket and ride it on home to ya.
Everyone, I love you dearly. Your welcome for dragging you into this mess.
(And the illustration of smileys you did in your note.)
E.N. the smileys were as brilliant as she said they were.

Melanie 2:03 PM
See what a hornet's nest you stir up when you start talking about people's sleep...errbody got an opinion

Maggie 2:50 PM
it would not run you out of the house because austin's room smells llike piss already and you get him a huge screen tv!
carlie, i will call it flapjacks and WILL treat it properly, I said MY FAMILY doesn't go into my room. I do.
I didn't know Ryan and Taylor named it flapjacks but im already set on the name now. it will just depend on the personality.
I will get the rabbit.
Current mood: I'm pissed off

Maggie 2:53 PM
Thank you Whitney.
at least someone cares

E.N. And then Lydia discovered Dale had done more shopping......
Lydia 3:24 PM
oh!!!!!!!!!!!! my gosh ups just came and dropped off a pkg. for Dale it is from LANDS END IT LOOKS LIKE HE HAS BEEN SHOPPING AGAIN

Caitlin 3:43 PM
Somewhere along the way I missed something because why is Austin talking about the hottness of a wife he doesn't have? And what doesn't matter as you get older? And Dale ordered more pants!?!

Judy 5:29 PM
BURN IT!!!!! HURRY!!!!

Carlie 4:02 PM
oh dear god. dale? shopping? i feel the anticipation already.
i love that maggie is "pissed off" about everyone against her bunny
idea. i'm not against just don't like the name.
maggie has no fuse to the point that her mind doesn't even know what a
fuse is. it's like happy - MAD. oy.

Caitlin 4:06 PM
I refer to myself and others who either always or sometimes have no fuse as land mines...
Be careful where you step because we might blow!

Lisa 4:18 PM
Land mine is an excellent term for that. And I do have to say that Caitlin was sort of land mine..ish today. I on the other hand have been as pleasant as a daisy.
Dale and more pants? I mean come on! Just because they are $6 a pair doesn't mean you have to have 50 of em. After I was blinded by the pink yesterday, I can't imagine what colors are next on his horizon. I have seen the yellow AND he was wearing a yellow shirt when he modeled the pants. Big Bird did come to mind or or one very, very tall banana. And we passed crazy about 300 miles ago.

Maggie 4:21 PM
ok ok ok.
ill change the name. i like the food related groups. like blackberry, caramel, marshmallow, oreo, snickers, DP,
something like that.

Lisa 4:24 PM
I think you should name it Eleanor Roosevelt

Judy 6:05 PM
I love the flop-eared bunnies. They are adorable. I love the name Flapjacks. Bunnies poo a lot - but the bright side is that bunny poo is dry and pebbly and if they're in a cage, the bunny poo is contained.

Maggie 4:28 PM
I dont know about roosevelt but thank you for your suggestion.
thank you mrs. judy for the info.

Judy 6:26 PM
SO you're going to change the name because I like the name Flapjacks!!?
I'm so offended.

Emma 4:29 PM
i like the name roosevelt but its more of a horses name... HEY!! YOU COULD GET A HORSE TOO!!! name him roosevelt and have your bunny named flapjacks!!!
i think this is a great idea!!!

Caitlin 6:02 PM
I think that I will name my bunny flops or floppy because I want one with floppy ears!

Judy 8:19 PM
YES! YES! YES!!! Love the idea. Got my vote. Emma could keep him in her room....

Lisa 6:21 PM
oh geez

Judy 8:24 PM
Thou reapest what thou sowest.........
Snicker, snicker....
Hey, Maggie, that's a good name for your rabbit! Or a good name for a horse, either one. You and Emma fight over it.

Lisa 6:27 PM
There may already be a horse in their room you should see it

Judy 8:29 PM
One way you can tell - if their bed is suspiciously high off the floor, it might be under there. I would check if I were you. After all, the smell of horse poo could easily be disguised as dead 'possum.

Lisa 6:38 PM
oy the dead opossums........had not thought about that in a while

Carlie 6:49 PM
mrs. judy - do you have an obsession with animal poo? you sure know alot about it.
dead opossums....muahahahaha. I mean, UGH...gross.

Judy 8:52 PM
Duck poo, rabbit poo, cat poo, yes, I are an expert, although I are not obsessed.
Here's gross - If I don't watch them, my dogs regularly go to the cat's litter box for snacks.

Maggie 7:56 PM
I am sorry Mrs. judy but carlie has informed me that it was off a television show. but i wont cross it out completely. i just have to figure out her personality.
about the horse... I WANT ONE! but the rabbit would be less expensive..
im actually going to ride Harley tomorrow!! woo hoo!!

Judy 10:58 PM
O-freakin-KAY! Somebody has GOT to figure out why I am getting double/triple emails and they are NOT IN ORDER, which drives me crazy(ier). If somebody does not help me with this issue, I'm going to forward back the second and third emails to everybody on the list and then you will ALL get what I'm getting, in the screwed-up order I'm getting it in.
It's a conspiracy, I know it is.

Lindsey 9:46 PM
that was really funny mrs judy. O freakin Kay. Laughed. Um, I have no idea why you are getting the e-mails lots of times. No idea. Sorry. Did anyone else see the light bulb go off in Emma's head when she recommended Maggie get a horse? I did.
For those of you-Carrie-who reply to each individual e-mail. Stop it. Stop it. Here's why. I am not blessed. Wait there was more. I could have just ended there. Ok, ok stop feeling sorry for myself. I am not blessed, by choice really, with g mail so my e-mails come in in NO particular order and I'll just get random things like "woo-hoo girly!" or "great idea!!" or "ha ha". This does me no good. I have no clue what you are referring to. This is all I ask. Thank you.

Carrie 9:46 PM
that is hilarious Carlie......and Caitlin is in a state of tooo tooo funny....

Carrie 9:49 PM
marshmellow is my vote.....

Carrie 9:55 PM
ok now Judy's mood: pissed and paranoid....
Maggie's mood: sounds very serene....maybe she does need flapjacks/ marshmellow.....hint hint the last part of the name......

Carrie 10:02 PM
SEE I don't have the g-mail thingy either.... however I just start at the bottom of the page and work my way up.....but yes it still can get confusing....and yes the light bulb was very visible......
and still no response from Rebecca.... she may have 400 emails by the time she checks it..wonder if that is the right address???????????????

Judy 12:32 AM
Maggie is not serene, I don't think. Seething, maybe. She said she was going to have a rabbit. I believe her.
Night-night, all. See you next shift.
I fully expect to have several hundred craz-emails myself in the morning.
What do you mean, pissed and paranoid? You been talkin' about me? To who?

Judy 12:34 AM
If you would all stop deleting the message you received that you are responding to, Lindsey would have an easier time knowing what you mean when you say "woo-hoo girly!". Help her. Help me. I said I'm going to bed, and I mean it!

And then day 3 comes along and the discussion is not over yet
Maggie 12:20 AM
Thank you carrie!! you'd want me to have one. thanks.
i am not getting a horse (yet) but i am going to ride tomorrow and thats always fun.
I will get a rabbit. thank you on your suggestions.
and im not serene...
just pissed.

Carrie 12:23 AM
OK I SSOOO didn't understand a word of that.. delete??forward?? backwards?? like Livvy what???and who I been talkin to?????look at the names above in the "send to" boxes.... pick one......sweet dreams!!!!!

Melanie 12:28 AM
WE did not get him his big screen tv we added money to his that was part of his Christmas money----HA

Maggie 12:29 AM
please, christmas money... mishmush money.
i dont care.

Carrie 12:30 Am
ok maybe just serenely pissed....and your welcome..

Emma 12:54 AM
there is... muahaha

Lydia 12:08 PM
Maggie, there are rabbits in the paper today, cheap

Lydia 12:17 PM
well we opened the box and it wasn't pants it was shirts. purple and khaki neither of which matches dusty rose or jonquil

Melanie 12:49 PM
Lydia I know where you live be very careful

Judy 4:10 PM
Livin' dangerous, aren't you, Lydia?

Judy 4:11 PM

Lisa 5:06 PM
well the yellow britches and the purple shirt would make him an LSU ensemble. Land's End is like his payground.

Maggie 6:54 PM
Thank you Lydia!

Carrie 10;24 PM
jonquil and purple!!!!!!!!!!!! lsu lsu lsu..... go tigers.......don't let him do that......
Carrie 10:26
that was my thought before I read your email.....
Carrie 10:27 PM
ooohhhhh JimmyJohn, you done did it now Lyd.....burn that paper......
Editor's final note: I cannot begin to tell you how long this endeavor took. Several hours and a span of 3 days I sat trying to get everything in order. Some of the times have been changed to protect my sanity after I discovered some were STILL out of the correct timeline.
The End.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

this has taken me all day too read. i remember this time well...glad it is over for me... i did get my grace after all... and a great husband. happy ending for me.