Friday, January 8, 2010

We are continuing our series of movies by watching different versions of Jane Austen classics and I have to say the newest ones are still more appealing. We have yet to watch the newest version of Pride and Prejudice but it will be coming soon. And as I told Carlie last night I have eaten crow by deciding to go back and watch North and South again with a better attitude and it is very swoon worthy. The scene at the end may be the best yet of any movie. I can admit when I am wrong. But much sadness does still come with the movie. It's not the happy feel good pop in for sure.

Puzzle season is continuing as well. We are up to about 15 I think but I'm not sure. We are still documenting each puzzle with a picture so I can be certain of the number later. Billie June gave us some very challenging puzzles for Christmas this year. Puzzles that don't have distinctive borders are quite a task to figure out.

It is 11:24AM and is 28.7 degrees. When did someone pick up my house and move it to Alaska? We definitely need more degrees! If it's not going to snow, I'm ready for warmer weather. If you have to sit inside with a scarf on and multi -layered clothes then it's too cold. That is a non-debatable fact. I am thankful that I'm inside where I can try to keep warm though. I am very grateful for my warm home.

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