Friday, January 15, 2010

Carrie's answers

1. What time did you get up this morning? 8:20 Carrie
2. Diamonds or Pearls? Diamonds
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? I can't remember
4. What is your favorite TV show? Grey's Anatomy
5. What did you have for breakfast? Quaker Oats Breakfast cookie
6. What is your middle name? Anna
7. What is your favorite Cuisine? mexican or home cooked
8. What foods do you dislike? garbanzo beans
9. Your favorite potato chip? plain Doritos
10.What is your favorite CD at the moment? Captured by the Riveiros
11.What kind of car do you drive? Ford Escape
12.Favorite Sandwich ? ham or turkey with mayo and lettuce
13.What characteristic do you despise? people not taking responsibility for their own actions!!! (is that a characteristic???)
14.What are your favorite clothes? Comfy clothes
15.If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation? Paris, Italy and a beautiful beach
16.What color are your eyes? blue
17.Favorite brand of clothing? don't have one
18.Where would you want to retire? The beach
19.Favorite time of day? Sunset yes Cait I agree
20.Where were you born? Monroe, LA
21.What is your favorite sport to watch? can't like the sports!!!
22.Who do you think will not send this back? well the ones I thought have already but haven't' seen Carlie's or Mollie's
23.Person you expect to send it back first? Emma but already got it and thanks Mel and Cait
24.Pepsi or Coke? Coke... no competition Yes I agree!!!!
25.Beavers or Ducks? Ducks
26.Are you a morning person or a night owl? Love the morning in Corsicana on the back porch and late night at home or with the girls in Monroe
27.Pedicure or manicure? Pedicure
28.Do you prefer funny or mushy cards? Funny
29.Any new and exciting news you'd like to share? UUUhhhh naaaaaa
30.What did you want to be when you were little? a fashion designer
31.What do you have in the trunk of your vehicle right now? no trunk but a jacket PGCA Lady Patriots!!! jacket
32.What is your best childhood memory? being in Corsicana
33.What are the different jobs you have had in your life? Retail, baby-sitting,working in a restaurant and alllllll that entails
34.Favorite Holiday? Christmas or Thanksgiving
35.What is your favorite dessert? orange sherbet or chocolate pie
36.Favorite summer getaway? THE BEACH!!!
37.Ever been to Africa? No
38.Glasses or contacts? NO thank you Lord
39.Ever been toilet papering? well not sure if I remember if I have or not
40.Been in a car accident? Yes
41.Favorite day of the week? Whatever day I am off of work
42.Favorite restaurant? uuhhhh Houston's I guess
43.Favorite flower? roses any color
44.Favorite movie? anything that Cary Grant is in and looks dapper
45.Favorite Pastime? sitting on the back porch in Corsicana watching the sunset
46.Favorite ice cream? chocolate
47.Favorite fast food restaurant? Sonic or Wendy's
48.How many times did you fail your drivers test? Zero
49.From whom did you get your last email? Lindsey because she realized she forgot me and her Mom!!! thought she could fake it and send it later!!!!! love u Lin
50.Sandals or tennis shoes? sandals
51.Which store would you choose to max out your credit card? Neiman Marcus of course!!
52.If the speed limit is 60 what is the fastest you will drive? 70ish
53.Bedtime? 12:30ish
54.Who are you most curious about their responses to this? Judy H.
55.Last person you went to dinner with? one of my friends Soo and Becky and Keith at home
56.What are you listening to right now? the sound of my neighbor playing his "music"
57.What is your favorite color? purple,blue, pink depends on the day
58.How many tattoos do you have? Zero (maybe) keep ya'll guessing does she or doesn't she yes I am too chicken and it is gross
59.How many people are you sending this Email to? about 10 or 12
60.What time did you finish this email? 10:39 PM

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