Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Strawberries

This email is referring to something that may or may not have happened at Caitlin's graduation party. Carlie and someone else were given the task of cutting up strawberries for the dessert. The strawberries were given to the "cutters" in a bowl with the stems already cut off. There was no question in the cutters minds, "Hmm I wonder if these have been washed?" So the cutters began to cut. After all the cutting was done, the desserts were prepared and completed. Party on! At some point after the party and after the desserts had been consumed, the conversation turned to the strawberries. The unwashed starwberries that were in the bowl for the cutters to wash and then cut. The cutters then said, "Umm wha? Wash? Wha?" The only guest left at the party at the time was Judy H. We received the following email the very next day.

Originated by Judy

I woke up this morning thinking about strawberries........
I was thinking that BEFORE THEY ARE WASHED, they probably have, like, fertilizer on them and stuff.......

I have no knowledge of what you are speaking about......I do however have an unexplained twitch this morning though..........

I'm fine this morning. We're just building up that immune system

Oh, they for SURE had fertilizer on them and no telling what else. We're fine though so no worries, BUT we'll always talk about that year Lisa and Carlie tried to KILL us.
Editor's Note: I said Carlie and a cutter.
I have no knowledge of what Lindsey is referring to.

dictionary.com - twitch: (1) that physical response of the human body which indicates a complete and total breakdown of one's immune system.....

I totally (no lie) went to dictionary.com to see if it said that. When I read that I thought geez for real does it say that? LIAR!.......we were just one person away form this being an in-house secret never to be revealed under penalty of an Indian arm burn..............and the memory of Whitney's ''toothpick it'' has made me laugh over and over since last night. Just to inform....when we were on the tacky cruise Lindsey asked Whitney what would she do if Lindsey fell off the ship. Whitney told her she would send for help and then she said she thought she could toothpick it...meaning she could hold her arms and legs really close to her body and jump in to save Lindsey. I did ask her to demonstrate the toothpick position and she did......she is convinced that Lindsey would have been knocked out from her fall from the height of the ship however; because Whitney would very calmly jump from the ship.....same height.... in the toothpick position she would not be knocked out and then there would be, not one but 2 girls to rescue in the deep dark waters somewhere out in the Caribbean sea. It's just so very plausible and hilarious....thanks for the reminder cause man it cracks me up

unwashed strawberries? attempted murder?
i have no clue.

how did we not know? i mean, come on.

That is so funny!! Gosh, I mean Whitney's personality is one of a kind....thank GOD!!! But as crazy as she can make everyone (yes, I know she will be reading this...she knows it's true) it is worth having her make us crazy for the things such as "toothpick it". Wow, it's just almost unbelievable. Too funny.

yea, totally unbelievable like that time she walked on air.
whitney, you did not walk on air.

No Whitney did not walk on air.....
She is more than a hand full.....
But then so is Dale.....
And something very weird I forgot to mention earlier.......I woke up this morning with a cut on my right index finger....it was not there when I went to bed......what the heck......

I can't BELIEVE you actually looked up twitch! And then admitted it! How wonderful. I couldn't resist the strawberry escapade being known by all. I totally believe that Whitney totally believed she could save Lindsey if Lindsey fell overboard. Why not? Now that I know the toothpick story (I was going to ask), what is an indian arm burn?

Indian arm burns suck. its when someone grabs your arm with both
hands and twists in opposite directions. it just sucks. also punk'd
was a brilliant show idea.

I think its hilarious that we didn't wash the strawberries.. it was
already in the bowl. Thought they were clean.

Did we go to sleep and wake up in January???? If your headed to
Corsicana tomorrow you better pack your "muck lucks" as my mother
would say because its supposed to snow tonight. and tomorrow.



lets ask Mags and Livvy they would know.......... CSI girls is unwashed berries attempted mmmmuurrrrrddeeerrrrrrrr????????????? aaahhhhhhh to punctuate... I have missed it soooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

it snowed in Dallas while I was gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


gnar car said...

hahahaha omg.

they should have let us know, lisa! how we were supposed to know?!

Lisa said...

There was no reason for us to know!!