Thursday, January 7, 2010

Well I was volunteered to do the computer at church last night. Let me just say, it was not good. I don't understand it. I'm non-stupid.....most of the time....but me and the computer for the worship song words just DO NOT mesh well at all. Seconds before church was to begin, Olivia asked me if I was willing to try and I said I would. Well the songs that were being sung were not all in the computer and therefore it caused me much consternation. I tried to search for the songs in the library on the computer, but without the title, it never goes well. And don't be saying, "Oh you can't get the song with the title?" It ain't as easy as it sounds. Pick a worship song. Just because you say it's the Build me an altar in your heart.......DOES NOT mean it's the title. Even when I found the song, all the words were not included. Sigh......I'm afraid I'm destined to suck at that job. Cussing was prevented which would be completely inappropriate given the setting. So kudos to me.

Not even did I mention as I should have first and foremost that it was 3000 degrees in the crow's nest. I'm talking sweltering and I had on my Ugg boots and a heavy jacket. The jacket lasted all of 2 seconds after the ascension.....which is what it feels like being up there. And the boots were about to be yanked when I was relieved of my post by Maggie when she finished her downstairs job. If Carlie had been there, she would have been rushed to the emergency room to be rehydrated because that hot box would have been one puddle by the time she was finished. It may be in poor taste to do the computer at church in a swim suit, but as long as the heater is in full swing, it may have to be considered. I can just envision Carlie "sunning herself" upstairs during church.....sunglasses, a little cool drink with the obligatory umbrella in it and Carlie in her bikini soaking up the rays of the natural heating. If I were up there in my bikini.....well I'll just say people would be running from the building screaming for their lives. Sigh again.....God if there is a worship computer in heaven, I'm asking you to give that job to someone else. I can tell you for sure you will not be pleased with my performance. Amen.


gnar car said...

ohhhhhh, no! i had not realized that mr. steve or greg wouldn't be there so you would have to do the comp! i'm sorry.

hahahahah, omg it was hot?! yeah, when it's hot, it's HOTTTTT. it happened once to me and i swear i lost some weight.

i'll try to make sure this doesn't happen again! haha.

Lisa said...

it was so stinking hot and I can do it if the songs freaking exist!!