Sunday, January 17, 2010

Important update about the questionnaires

Well it's a January miracle. I thought about looking for more questionnaire answers in another place and voila! I found Melanie's and Olivia's! It's very exciting news. I also discovered that the date these took place was September 28, 2006.....that's a long time ago. If you have need of old emails for any reason, check with Maggie May.....because the girl has never deleted one in her life.......and I am very appreciative of that. So there are 3 more to post and then on to something else. But I do think it would be fun to resend the questionnaires to answer once again to see how many things have changed since we last did it. Think about it. Anyway I have loved it. It's been fun to see the answers and changes since these were completed. From some not having driver's licenses and others graduated and moved away......

Another movie update:
We are quickly coming to the end of the long ULM vaca and therefore the end of our movie lollapalooza is sadly coming to a close. We finished Wives and Daughters and then went on to watch Cranford. It was good. Tonight we are watching The Count of Monte Cristo. We will finish up tomorrow night with Return to Cranford. The movie watching has been quite delightful even though the trek home late at night has been a challenge in the elements of rain and wind and freezing temperatures. I'm glad to have participated and I find myself talking much more like a British person than I could ever have imagined, not the accent but just being more proper. Ain't that good? I'm off to finish the movie and then dreamland. Sweet dreams to all.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i thought the SAME THING about the questionairres. my answers would be different and still some the same. man. that was FOUR years ago. a lot has changed in my life. in september of '06 i lived AT HOME. i have lived THREE places since then. crazy crazy!!!!!