Friday, January 22, 2010

Office work is stressful

Originated by Mollie

well people, as the newness of work has now worn off i am beginning to realize that this job is not so wonderful. i have now semi-joined the real world in that i have to get up every day and join other people to do working type things. the only reason this is semi joining the world is because i don't have to wake up til 10:30 to do such things.
it has gone fairly well...a few highlights.
1. third day on the job. at this point i had not figured out the 'transfer' button on the phone yet so every time the phone rings i get up and walk around to find the person being called to let them know they have a call. this quickly got out of hand and dr. pani and mrs. alma explained the magic button you push to find them in their office so i don't have to walk all over the place. (mental note, love transfer button).
2. on the phone with some lady at the college and dr. pani walks in to offer me a cookie that a friend had dropped by earlier. since i was on the phone i didn't hear what he said and i took the cookies out of his hand and tried to just throw them away. he very hastily intercepted the cookies from their near trash can fate and said no i said do you want a cookie, i want one and im giving you one. i was writing the msg down because he didn't want to take this particular call so i still wasn't totally paying attention and i looked up from my note pad, took the cookies, and began once again to throw them away. this totally shocked the poor man. his voice got very high and he moved very fast for the cookies, caught the cookies and said one last time very you. want. a. cookie? we laughed for several minutes after that while we enjoyed our cookies.
3. today i am sitting at my desk and realize that becky never did txt me back after i sent her a happy birthday txt the other day...i go back to check if i ever sent it...well i did send it..but i sent the txt message to her house. no wonder you didn't respond. so becky, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
4. today i took a call from president cofer...he needed dr. pani. but dr. pani was in a meeting. i am alone in the office, talking to the president. crap. all i know to say is "dr. pani is in a meeting can i put you on hold while i go get him". dang it, i seriously just asked to put the president on hold. he laughs and very politely says no just tell him to call him back later. geez, i tried to put the president on hold. i'm an idiot.
dern real world.

Mollie, Mollie, Mollie....
My laugh for the week/month.
Love it.

A few things to address:
1. The transfer button is a Godsend. Why Mrs. Alma didn't inform of this at the beginning is beyond me. She's usually on top of things.
2. Dr. Pani is a sweetheart and I can only imagine the confusion during this exchange. I bet it was a good cookie. They always get great food snacks. One of the perks at working at a high ranked place.
3. Understandable. It happens. Not to me but you know....
4. It's always a little terrifying seeing the "President's Office" on caller ID.
dern real world = dang real world. Just say it. You know you wanna.

Keep your head up Mollie. It sounds like you are doing fine.

also, sometimes i forget what to say when i pick up the phone. it's supposed to go "academic affairs, how can i help you?" but sometimes it goes...picks up phone..awkward pause while i try to read the office name on the front office can i help you?

Yeah Mollie reality bites big time......Girl you need a cheat sheet by the phone!!!!! And you wanted to put the pres on hold... I just told our Pres of NLU at the time... that the parking SUCKED!!!!!! NO I did not make it a habit of getting into strange cars with strange men... however... one day as I was walking down the side of the road going to class.... a car stopped with a NLU sticker on it.... asked if he could give me a ride down the street... yes yes yes I was taught not to get into strange cars with strange men... but it was a NLU sticker on the car..... so I go to the Biology building.... get a lecture from Dr Douglas "what you got into the car with some man????" as I described the car and man to Dr. D he says Carrie that was the President of the University!!!! Yes I told him the Parking SUCKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who Knew???????
At least you figured it out before the cookies got in the trash......sounds like all you girls just like the VP's office for the snacks....... YOU GO GIRLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hahahahaha I am not sure dr. Pani is going to let you stay if you keep trying to throw away his cookies that is too funny Mollie

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