Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The really bad day

Originated by Whitney
This was my day. (There is a small amount of profanity in this e-mail.)

I don't want pity. I'm just venting.
So I come home from Corsicana and realize that I have $96 in NSF charges. (Non sufficient funds.)
I had forgotten to deposit my paycheck!!! IDIOT! It was my own fault, but that doesn't make it any easier to swallow.
So, I make it through the weekend and I am going to clean up my mess today...Monday.
I go to school and that starts off fine. I come to my car and wva-la! PARKING FREAKING TICKET! First one in 2 YEARS! AH. So disappointing. ($10)
Go to work...(don't usually work on Mondays, but hello! I have some money that needs replacing so I need the extra hours!) and I was busy the whole time. That is actually a good thing. As I am there, I call the bank to see what's up and it is not matching what should have occurred over the weekend. (LOTS OF DEPOSITING)
It's now 1:30, I am going to go to UPS and drop off/pick something up and go pay my parking ticket before class at 2:00. Yea right, what a dream world. I drive to UPS...but they aren't open. They have a 3 hour lunch break. Yep. Closed 1-4. p.m.
(By the way I have NO gas in my car and guess what...I don't have money to put gas in it!)
I go to pay my parking ticket.
I said, "What?" with alot of "come here I am going to throw you on the ground"...I could see fear on the peoples faces. I said, Thank you and left.
(Remember that I drove there...waste of gasoline!)
I drive to class and begin walking to my building.
I am halfway there and realize I just have my purse...not my school bag.
I stopped dead in my tracks and said out loud, "s***."
I turned around to go get my stuff and began laughing out loud at how bad the day was going. It was nothing but funny.
Since then, I have gotten my checking straight. (Still NSF charges but at least nothing else will be bad.)
I haven't used my gas card for a while...going all cash now, but I went and got my gas card from home and now have a full tank. A full tank does wonders for your spirit. ($63 can you believe?)
Anyway, it's better now. I'm about to watch 24.
Hope your day was better than most of mine.
Goodbye Loves.
P.S. My day was better than the kids who go to VT. For that I am grateful.

Hello it was a Monday that is where it gets a bad wrap deservedly so sometimes. I had a bad Monday about 4 weeks ago so I feel your pain

That is a most impressive bad day.

My week is already just as crazy-in a different way than yours Whit-but still crazy. It feels like it's Wed. or Thurs. but it's not. When things like the VT shootings happen it sure does make you feel grateful for what we've got though... Good point.

I've had a lovely Monday.

well, my favorite part of whitney's awful day was her forgetting her book bag, but i didn't have a great day not near as bad as whitney's though.
the good part of my day was going to see a precious newborn at the hospital.
that was fun.

That is an absolute load of bull s!@? That sucks I'm quite pissed this evening and I'm taking on your pissed off-ness as well. What a bunch of bull!

Olivia, you are fast becoming one of my favorite people.

Olivia, your comment did not bless me.
Caitlin, thats what I was looking for girl.

It's just another Manic Monday...

that took nerve Livvy!!!!hahahahaha

hey Mags that's sounds like a song from the 80's wwwaaaayyyyy before your time
and Whitty sorry your day sucked but gave a pretty good laugh.....hope tomorrow is much better sucks large on the NSF's thou
Caitlin what the heck??????

I feel your pain Whitney....mine was pretty much the same only different. I started the day with a flat which led to finding out that all of my fairly new tires may all be bad, actually defective....and even though we have the road warranty crapola they will give us "some off" (picture the finger quotes again) but I may need 4 new tires.....what a load. Then as I am rushing out the door to get to a 9:00 appointment at school and without going into great detail I realized it was very possible that I may have thrown our paycheck away cause I can't find it ANYWHERE. So I rush back into the house and start sifting through the trash.......delicious....cut limes and dog hair.......thank goodness it's not in there......but where the heck is it so I'm calling John to see if he took it to the bank and he's not answering his phone so I go look in the cabinet one more time and find it in between some stuff. So now I jump in the car and call Lydia to tell her I'm on my way and I'm sorry if the people are already in my office and that's when she tells me the appointment is not until 1:00. Are you kidding me? Really........big sigh of relief. But tonight I am in my full house with people laughing and having fun....no one went to school today and got shot.....Caitlin is making out her college schedule UNBELIEVABLE, Emma looks about 20 years old with straight hair and Owen walks in the den and asks for a Sonic blast and when he gets the go ahead signal he does this hilarious dance that includes pounding on his belly like a kettle drum with some other gyrations that cracked me up, Olivia is just being Olivia and doing an excellent job of it. The sounds of the voices in my house was absolutely deafening at one point like their were 50 people here. Austin seemed to be mesmerized by the process of straightening Emma's hair….....John and Jared were trying to explain to me about tire warranties and the amount of tread on each tire and blah blah blah I ain't buying it and the girls were chattering in about 8 different conversations and it was just amusing to hear and see all that was going on at one time. And it just made me laugh at the absurdity of it all.......My left ear hearing has made huge strides in the last 4 weeks and as it has leveled off......almost without me realizing it......I know that I am glad that I can hear better and better which in turn makes me more and more aware that the world is very big and very loud and almost every day very, very sad. But I think about what I am grateful for and it includes at the top of the list a big, hilariously funny, most of the time happy, sometimes bawdy, many times crazy, ALMOST ALWAYS very loud family and I thank the Lord above for us each and every one.......I love us a lot
and the tire people are gonna get an ear full...........

Well said Sis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!As Emma said the day of Cait's grad party....... we are AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! when "we" (your finger quotes) had done a nice job on the table display outside!!!!! You gals really make me laugh when I need it!!!!! :) and I have a feeling that the tire people are goin to wish they had hearing problems..........

hahaha this entire conversation is hilarious! and Olivias comment... perfect

Carrie what do you mean what the heck...
Today has been way better I ate a haystack cookie from daily harvest which is quite possibly the best cookie ever in the history of cookies and I'm listening to Johnny Cash and June Carter Cash singing 'this is us' one of my favorite songs from the cashs

you just sounded really really mad

I was

1 comment:

gnar car said...

olivia's 'i've had a lovely monday.' reigns supreme.