Sunday, November 8, 2009

2 had nothing and one had close to nothing

October 21, 2009
wrote nothing

October 22, 2009
Another crisis with Clara but she is better today. We will keep being nurses to puppies for just a few more weeks and then they will be gone. There is no ugly puppy. They are smushibly cute and they make you talk funny when you hold them.

I honestly thought I had written something yesterday but I just discovered I had not. Oh well. It is raining again and another weekend is coming. It’s supposed to get cold tonight and be chilly this weekend…..and I sound like the weather man.

If I make it through Homeschooling it will be by the grace of God and I mean that. Owen thinks school at home is just a suggestion and I am less than thrilled with that analysis. So I get the big hammer out and we go at it again and again and yet I know he knows I’m gonna win. He knows that because I have that little piece of crazy in me that he’s unsure about how quickly it may rear its head……maybe any minute. It’s the fear of God that all kids need desperately and not enough have these days. So we have worked out our issues for the minute but there is another minute coming so we shall see.

I subbed for Lindsey 2 days ago and it’s been a long time since I was around teeny kids. They have sooo much to learn and understand and figure out. Man it’s overwhelming and I’m glad I didn’t wait til I was 50 to have mine or they might be wild as March hares. When someone got in trouble and started to cry it almost did me in. And Caitlin is tough. I on the other hand am kind and willing. But as Lindsey reminded me yesterday that she had to tell a kid not to eat food off of the floor, kids come without knowing ANYTHING and the job is to teach almost all of it to them yourself. That is one tall order. I remember my kids occasionally trying to chew on their shoes…..ick…..and yet they were clueless that it’s a really bad idea.

And so the next minute just arrived as I caught Owen daydreaming instead of writing vocabulary words. I am in a perpetual state of……sigh………


gnar car said...

But as Lindsey reminded me yesterday that she had to tell a kid not to eat food off of the floor,

Hahahaha. Genius.

What grade is Owen in? He's good enough. Plus the Herrock children are automatically smart, so you won't have to worry. I want Owen to do something really smart with numbers. he seems like he'd be a numbers guy.

Lisa said...

I agree with the numbers for O and he is in the 8/9th grades....moving towards finishing a year ahead

Unknown said...

they come here knowing NOTHING. sometimes i have to remind myself that they are SO YOUNG. the kids in the pre-k 3 class this year at Grace weren't even born when I started working there. INSANE.