Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Carlie seemd to be a bit weepy about
the polar bears and so she vented to all.
Originated by Carlie

Polar Bears: don't go away please....
so, watching oprah friday and she's talking about discovery channel's new series: Planet Earth...she loves it and of course Miss "Perfect" decides she wants it on her show and discuss it with the audience.
I was excited about this because i wanted to see it, so she shows a clip
It contains polar bears.
they show the momma bear coming out of her den with her two cubs. at this point, i'm all happy that i'm going to see some cute bear cubs and how polar bears live....i was wrong.
they're starving; they haven't eaten in months and the mom has lost half her weight and using what she has left to feed her cubs while the male is off at the ocean looking for food.
shift to the male: they show him swimming searching for food for himself as well as the mom and they begin to talk about how the warmer climate (global warming) is melting the ice shelfs that the males use to hunt walruses and sea lions....no luck because he doesn't have the energy because he, too, has lost half his body weight.
He, then, goes to shore to try and get some walruses' young but the walruses aren't having it, they get into a circle, protecting their young.
he tries and tries and tries and then he gives up.
the last you see of the male is him curled up into a ball on the beach awaiting his death.
this brought me to tears maybe because i'm emotional but it was so freaking sad.
sad and tragic.
they didn't do anything wrong.

The scientist who invented global warming has changed his mind. All polar bears are not starving. Just the ones they take pictures of to make you believe in global warming. If the camera people had any feelings at all they would put the camera down and go offer themselves to the polar bears as food. That would take care of all the PETA people.

good to know....of course they show the tragic cases to get emotional girls like me....i don't believe in global warming, per se, just think the Earth is taking its course.
then again, i'm not a scientist so don't take my word for it.

hahhahaha Judy that is funny and what in the cat hair are you still doin up?????and Carlie we got to get you some meds hun!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you have taken up where I left off........ emotions smotions who needs them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Judy and Steve (cause his name showed up also,,,, poor thing) did ya'll move to a different time zone?????

I'm wondering the same thing as Carrie because it says you've left
that email at 3:05. I just don't think thats possible.

my email says 1:05 yal need to check your clock on your computer

she did it just to confuse us Livvy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she ran to New York to send the email just so we would wonder ooooorrr pretended to.... you and Mags check out CSI I am sure ya'll can crack the case!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

mine says 1:18 as I speak.................

you're not speaking. you're typing.
just to clarify.

how do you know that I am not speaking to myself??????????

if you were, i'd be worried.

wwwaaaaahhhhhaaaaaaaaa oh the wonders of living alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ah, now we've uncovered the roots of the over excessive punctuation.
ladies, we have reached a milestone.

For all of your information, those of you who were wondering if I moved to a different time zone. It was APPROXIMATELY 1:00 a.m. last night when I sent my last email and went to bed. Not in New York. If I was in New York, I'm not telling. I slept in this morning to the late hour of 6:30 a.m. I felt like my day was half gone already. If you ever get an email from me at 3:05 in the a.m., it's because I just got up, not because I'm still up. Lisa and I could be in the army together and change guard shifts. She goes to bed when I get up. So I am not one of those people who point fingers at those who sleep later in the morning. I have the utmost and highest respect for anyone who can actually stay up until 3:00 a.m. and like it.
Now you know everything about me.


Caitlin I used your frizzease stuff in the shower and I would like to say my hair smells great. well better.

what is up with caitlin's address?

I'm not sure what is wrong with Caitlin's address. It is gmail and that's different other than that I don't know.

hahahaha brilliant, just brilliant

Yea thank you Olivia. We live in the same house yet communicate things like that in e-mail and nothings wrong with my address. What's it look like?

When I responded to one of Jared's blackberry emails it wouldn't go through because it said something was wrong with Caitlin's address. Since then I've sent bunches and it's fine. So it must have been a communication glitch somewhere in there. All is well.

Pound cake and Dr. Pepper for breakfast is one GOOD combination. Reminds me of my youth in Corsicana...

Yes that is a good combination I had it also. yumm I got a thing back about Caitlin's email also comcast is taking some getting used to.

PC and coke cocola!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

ok where did the pound cakes come from?????? better be some left by Wednesday night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I came home. I checked my email. Nothing. NOTHING!!!!!@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

gnar car said...

oh my god, carrie's reactions....CLASSIC. hahahaha.