Sunday, November 22, 2009

There are so many things wrong with these pictures

In honor of the coming season, I thought I would share the following photos. If anyone would like me to post your family Santa pics, please get them to me.

Let's just take them one at a time shall we?

Photo Number 1
Emma looks completely weirded out and quite disgusted and her bright pink pants start just below her chin.
I have no idea where Olivia is except that I feel certain she freaked and refused to sit on the lap of the strange man.
Caitlin's bright pink pants look like there may be an inner tube inflated around her waist. And she is trying to keep her hands away from the strange man.
Santa looks a little disgusted also. Emma probably just told him, "I'll kick you!"
And the look on her face may be her thinking about her timeline for the said kicking.

On to photo number 2.
Carmen is so over the whole Santa thing.
Emma this year looks like she may have had an overdose of Benadryl....the wonder drug for parents. And if she did in fact kick this Santa the year before, he may have insisted on a little "totty" of Benadryl before this little girl came back.
Nina and Slade look pretty satisfied.
Caitlin sort of looks airbrushed in and zoned out.
Olivia is clearly unhappy with finally making it into the photo with the strange man but is tolerating it for exactly 7 seconds before she bolts.
Owen's face speaks for itself.
Suzie has a similar copy of this same photo and in it Owen is screaming his head off and reaching for someone off camera. I remember taking forever trying to decide which one I wanted to keep because they were both so very priceless.
Santa may very well be the same man as before...I'm not sure but he is definitely at the back of the bus.

Photo number 3
I obviously threatened enough before we arrived for the photo shoot because I'm actually pretty satisfied with this picture.
Emma obviously had done some "face time" in the mirror and was ready this year.
Clearly Olivia has warmed up to the big guy since she has finally figured out, "Oh he brings me stuff to my house."
Caitlin genuinely looks happy to be in a mall in Dallas again. There is probably some foreshadowing here.
Other than Owen rocking the little Lord Fauntleroy look I am pleased.
Santa was obviously not kicked by Emma........yet.

Photo numer 4
Again I'm pretty pleased with this effort.
Owen obviously got the haircut he so desperately needed.
And they all seem rested and happy. Clearly no Benadryl was used on the children in the taking of this photo, unless this time it looks like Santa has been nipping at the Benadryl.....or something a little stronger perhaps......
And he may be Santa number 3 as well.

I've got some pretty adorable kids if I do say so myself.


gnar car said...

hahahaha, love it. the second one is by far my fav. but the fashion choices in the first take the cake.

owen's face in the second is just....a dream.

Anonymous said...

These are so priceless

CAW said...

Cracks me up!!! hilarious and adorable....memories wow