Sunday, November 15, 2009

Lord please keep Clara going forward. She is so precious I can’t believe how much I want her to make it. She nearly broke my heart last night and today the vet says she is doing well. And I was wondering if she would be alive this morning. God give me faith to see the impossible. I need eyes to see and ears to hear. I need faith that can move mountains and not just a little speck on the ground that I can blow in the direction I want it to go. I know Clara fighting means something and I’m learning from her about how to face adversity and what will happen to me? I can see in that little fighter that she wants to live. Lord protect her and keep her and help her to be all that she is supposed to be. I want to see her play and run and have a wonderful day. I want to be able to say Clara had a wonderful day and she played and played. I think she deserves it. I know she does. Thank you Lord for Clara. I love her. She is precious. She has captured my heart completely.

Update on the mosquito front: Olivia and I walked the dogs this afternoon and we were attacked by the taunting mosquitoes. They were like dogs nipping at our heels. They didn’t care that it was in the middle of the day. They consider any time of the day fair game and I had no idea this is how they felt. As we walked they landed on us like they were an airplane and we were the landing strip...and they did not get brushed off easily. They have gained ground in the last month.

John and I are sleeping at the church tonight. What was I thinking?

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