Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Turner Santa pics....much less disturbing than ours

I would call this disco Santa because the backdrop looks like it was left over from a prom.
Lindsey looks a bit distressed....possibly because she is looking at her mother who just gave her to the strange man and is much too young to understand the whole Santa bringing me presents concept yet.

This picture however is disturbing on many levels.
Santa has fallen asleep on the job with a baby on his lap.
And nothing says Christmas like a huge over sized ladder back chair.

Once again Lindsey by herself but looking cute.
Austin is unaccounted for.
This photo I would call discount Santa.
It could be the wall they use for mug shots as well.
Where are all the decorations?
They couldn't even paint a swath of green or red somewhere?
Come on all he had to work with was a tiny maroon chair.
This is just sad.

Finally Lindsey had to share the spotlight with her sibs.
And everyone looks cute but is it too
much to ask to center the picture?
The decorations have increased since the last photo
but I'm not so sure I would go so far as to call
them an improvement.

Carlie is clearly indifferent about the whole Santa thing.
But she certainly wins the day with this picture.
She may be whispering to Lindsey about bolting from the frame.
Lindsey looks a little concerned for her baby sis and
Austin is just saying, "Hey I'm back here!"
Maggie has that deer in the headlights thing working hands down.
And Santa's thoughts, "I am completely overworked and underpaid."

Forced old family photos are some of the very best entertainment.


gnar car said...


i loved that sweatshirt, omg.

Unknown said...

love them all. hope my kids are cuter than me in that last one. can you say gawky???

gnar car said...

i, on the other hand, am adorable in the pic.

Unknown said...

Yeah those acid wash jeans are fab...

gnar car said...


but seriously, those are glorious.