Friday, November 5, 2010

The Friday that is today

Well I'm so sick of 1999 I just can't tell you. I read it and reread it trying to fix the many grammatical mistakes. There were tons and I couldn't believe it! I spend so much time trying to find each error but unfortunately I miss them EVERY SINGLE TIME. It makes me crazy because I HATE typos immensely. Finally though, with some help from a couple of people, I think I fixed them all.

I did a quick perusing of my 2000 calendar and I'm happy to report it's gonna be boring. But after all the stuff that occurred in 1999, that's OK.

Today I'll be taking a quickly planned road trip with my girls and we'll be back on Monday. Hopefully, when we return I'll have a surprise picture of someone for the blog. At least I hope so! I'm gonna keep people in suspense about who and how and when though.

Because I'm taking a quickly planned road trip with my girls, John and I will continue to sleep in the cave of colors at least until next Friday. In order for the multiplicity of colors to not drive me nuts, I try to look down and away. There's definitely been no forward progress in many days.

John and Owen will be having a bachelor weekend that will include eating at Eastern Empire and Grandy's....the only 2 places Owen ever wants to go to. I don't even want to know what they'll be doing the rest of the weekend but I envision them sitting around in their underwear scratching stuff and watching TV. I'm pretty sure I've painted an accurate picture.

And I made a Twitter last night so I could follow some people and when I woke up this morning I had 4 followers. Ummm what? I don't know you people and why would I want you to follow me? I have nothing interesting to say. It befuddles me.

This is me signing off til next week with one final post after this one.

Peace out!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Have a great trip!!!!!