Friday, November 12, 2010

A few things...

I started painting my bedroom with primer tonight. Tomorrow the color goes up. I'm extremely nervous about having 2 gallons of paint that I still could hate. The suspense is getting to me.

My dresser's in the den and everything from my bedroom's topsy turvy. I don't handle that well. I look calm on the outside but my stomach is all squishy about all the changes. I don't want to have to go to the den to get my underwear.

I'm working on my Dallas posts but I'm afraid it will take a few days to get it up and looking good.

I love George Bush. Watching him in all these interviews reminds me how much I like him and how down to earth he is. We could be best friends. Sigh...

Just when you think the housewives couldn't get any crazier, they find some more crazy people to put on TV. The Beverly Hills women are just ridiculous super rich crazy.

I'm off to last night in the weirdly painted bedroom.

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