Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The beginning of the Thanksgiving weekend

We gathered together to ask the Lord's blessing. We just didn't ask Him to keep all the trees where they belong. For this family gathering Emma's taken on the ham role again. It suits her well. Lindsey's taking pics and Carlie's extremely animated. I'm loving it.

Lindsey's loving her phone, Carlie got suspicious and Emma's still hammin it.

Lindsey's still loving her phone, Carlie's smiling slash suspicious, Emma's fearing Carlie's stealing her thunder.

Ham number 2 just showed up.

Mom and Joe conversing.

Melanie and Connie conversing. Carrie's telling a story with her hands.

Kelly and Mary join the pics as Carrie's still telling her story with her left hand....check it out.

This was obviously a progression of Carrie's story because her hand has risen from her leg. I....look weird. Whitney looks spellbound.

Emma's sneaking hamminess. We now see that Carlie's been mesmerized by the game on her phone.

I got nothing here.

The hand is still talking.


She's now figured out the camera was documenting her story.

She doesn't care. No idea what I'm doing but I'm suspicious of Whitney trying to scooch me out of my prime seating.

Carlie's reliving her Happy Easter moment.

Panoramic of the peeps

I'm surmising Carlie's losing her game. Emma's still hamming it.

more disgust more ham

wait.....I got nothing....

Lindsey's giving someone the stink eye or maybe that's the crook eye.

Finally group cute.

The tables have been turned on me. Whitney's suffering from the same disease as Carlie.

I think I should have taken the time to smear a little Mary Kay.

Hammy and Eeyore...oh bother



gnar car said...

hahahhahah these are great. and emma is SO charmed by me in that pic that lindsey took from the side.


Unknown said...

Then the page turned....
Dun dun dun....

CAW said...

I knew you would put those pics on here.....Dr. D always said if you tied my hands behind my back I would never be able to say a word....don't anyone get any ideas!!!!!