Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Will 1996 ever end?

I've spent the day working on 1996 and paying bills....gross...and moving pictures over to a more reliable hard drive so I don't lose 10 years of digital photos. I thought I'd be finished with 1996 today but it ain't gonna happen.

Owen got his glasses today and a clean bill of health from the dentist. SCORE! 1 down 5 to go.

I gotta read 13 more chapters of Bible.....OMG in the book of Judges. Lord give me vision to understand what you were talking about.

John's on his way out the door to Magnolia for work tomorrow.

Countdown to school for Owen is 4 days!

So many things going through my head right now but that's where they will stay.


Anonymous said...

I only have 10 chapters to read and I am looking forward to reading about 1996

Jeff said...

i can't believe you only have FOUR days...that will be me in the not so distant future...
ella starts k-5 in the morning...UGH!
i'm primed and ready for 1996!!!!!! hope yall have the best FOUR days...can't wait to hear all about it!

love yall!