Tuesday, August 31, 2010

What's next?

I've had a little look see at 1999 and wowzer it was a doozy as well. Probably won't finish it any time soon. Maybe I'll change the focus for a bit.

On another note, Owen's made A's on all his tests so far in school and we're so pleased. He's settling into his stride.

Olivia had to compete in Ace's Amazing Race tonight with her freshman prep people. She said she and Maggie could have done a much better job on the specifics of the race. The next TARR is set for Sunday, September 5, 2010, Corsicana, Texas. Emma and Carlie are getting into shape by walking every afternoon. Nerds? Maybe so.

If you are ever worried that your family is just too crazy to eat beans, just watch one reunion show of the New Jersey Housewives and you'll feel good about your own family in 2 shakes of a lamb's tail. What does that phrase even mean?

I can hear my pillow calling my name. Night to all the sleepers.

1 comment:

gnar car said...

we aren't nerds! just very very wise.

and i love this new layout!!!