Saturday, August 21, 2010

The week that was

Just so everyone knows, the kid in Caitlin's birthday post in the joy sweatshirt standing in the snow? It's Olivia, not Caitlin...I know my kids so well.

Addy starts squeaking a full hour before it's time for her to eat. It's not good. Since school is starting and I'll be the only one home, I'll be feeding the dogs. They may eat every 30 minutes.

Owen's first full week of school is over. It was uneventful and he seems to really love it. He made an A on his first test in Latin. We were excited. Say nothing about Latin Carlie.

Owen and I saw the most beautiful rainbow Friday afternoon. I considered it a personal gift from God. It was so sweet.

John's first week of teacher prep stuff is over. Students will begin to find out soon that John NEVER cancels class for ANYTHING. EVER. They will just have to get over it.

I think the calendar year 1997 is finished and I'll be posting it soon.

I can't believe football is back on TV and I'm sitting in the room with the Pittsburgh Steelers playing and I haven't yelled at John once. If he goes for the terrible towel, I'm going for the throat. I've hated the steelers all my life so how come I end up marrying someone that's a die hard steelers fan? The only explanation is God really does have a HUGE sense of humor. But, I will say that for me, football on TV and locusts singing outside signals that fall is coming soon. However, when it's still 93 degrees at 7:47 in the evening it's hard to wrap my mind around cool weather.

Ants have invaded my kitchen and I'm so very pist. We kill them in one place and they show up somewhere else. They have GOT to go.

ULM starts tomorrow and I'll have 3 daughters in college. Yesterday they were in the den in their jammies building a tent using thousands of blankets and tomorrow they're in college. That's exactly how fast it goes by.

Quote from Caitlin yesterday regarding her spring break trip to Orlando that's planned for the end of April, "I can't go to Orlando when we may have a fresh baby on the ground!" Also that's how I found out Caitlin was planning a spring break trip to Orlando near the end of April.

Summer is officially over....sigh

I started this on Saturday night but now it's Sunday and that means it's nap time. My eyes are already almost closed.

1 comment:

Unknown said...