Thursday, August 19, 2010

People being weirder

I thought about doing some commentary for these pictures but then I thought each one really speaks for itself. Have a look and see what they say to you because as the title says, to me, it's people being weirder.

But I couldn't resist with this one. I had to say something.
Whoops Lindsey! That necklace could put your eye out!

Ahhh, good job she figured that out.
And notice Olivia in the background munching and completely unimpressed by the show.

Lindsey doesn't need to add this to her resume.
Mollie nailed it.
Whatever "it" is.


CAW said...

They look like they are on a six flags ride!!!!!

Unknown said...

My hair didn't have enough get up and go....

Mollie_Walker said...

hahahahahaha... this just tickles me.