Sunday, August 8, 2010

This week in history

John conducted his heat survey this week and if you want to work in a paper mill, be prepared to face 123 plus degrees of heat. I therefore am rescinding my application. My dream is dead.

It rained and then got hot again...shocking.

I still hate walking especially when it's too hot or too cold.

Emma and I drove through Carlie's bank/work place this week. However, We DID NOT try to order french fries from her as I had threatened.

I can find lots of great ways to waste my time that would be much more interesting than sitting in any doctor's office (reread above for proof).

Caitlin lives to shop...even for eye glasses.

Owen got contacts. Glasses are coming. How much better would baseball have been for him if he could've actually seen the ball?

The USA show White Collar is it.

I'm on target for Bible reading thus far if I get grace for skipping the begetting and the shekels.

Car batteries are very important to cars.

The weight scale at my doctor's office is a big fat liar!

All weight scales are of the devil, especially the weight scale in my doctor's office that's a big fat liar.

Maisy the dog who lives with the Turners has no idea she's a dog.

My children make fun of my calendars and it annoys me.....DON'T EVEN DENY IT CHILDREN!

Deciphering my calendars is more difficult than I imagined.

Since the Gmaw has gotten an Ipad, she's going viral.

I'm not sure that last statement fit the scenario but I was liking the way it sounded.

I'm glad John would never dream of asking me to help him change a belt in his truck or get the battery out of my car.

Billy the exterminator can't successfully ID a water moccasin or a cotton mouth. Call it either one but it's the same snake.

A 15 year old learning to put contacts in will cause you to be late for church.

Overall, John's much more patient than I am.

Giggling little girls dressed in pretty little dresses at church and dancing with reckless abandon make me smile.

I need to be less friendly with carbohydrates.

My eyes are making my brain tired.

Nap time has come around again.


gnar car said...

i'm offended i'm not in here once.

Unknown said...

"Emma and I drove through Carlie's bank/w place this week. However, We DID NOT try order french fries from her as I had threatened" Um hellllllllo. "