Thursday, August 26, 2010

It's only Thursday

Just a few notes for the week so far. It took me all of 6 days to forget to go get Owen from school Monday afternoon. BUT so far he's given me half a dozen times for when school is actually out and none have been correct. We've got many more bell ringing days til next May.

Lots of changes have taken place for the boy in the last 9 days. he went from homeschool to Honors classes in high school. It's definitely been a culture shock for him. He's spending lots of hours each night doing homework.

College started with a bang on Monday and Olivia's getting her feet wet a little at a time. She's gonna do great but once again culture shock has set in. She went from homeschooling in pj's to the deep end of the ocean.

I hurt my knee somehow in the last few days and it's been a ***** to walk on but I decided last night to use the Truly Etheredge approach to getting better and that's "Work it out and not sit on it." I remember when he had an aching back and his answer was to go chop wood. He was tough. I do believe after walking last night on my sore knee, it felt better today. He was wise.

Haven't walked for a long time because of the heat and it's very depressing to find out how quickly you can lose your walking legs after just a short break. But thank goodness we've finally gotten a break in the heat this week and it's actually been sort of pleasant. Tonight John and I walked underneath a beautiful orange moon. Gorgeous! Good job God.

Addy and I are in a fight because she barked me awake this morning after a terrible night's sleep. She's COMPLETELY unconcerned about my anger. I considered selling her on eBay but as Olivia stated, "No one would buy her." It's so true.

I'm looking forward to Labor day in Corsicana. I already know it won't be long enough.

I'm working on the year 1998. The first half of the year was so much better than the second half.

I'm on target for my Bible reading. After 26 days, I've "read" 520 chapters. I say I've "read" because I've asked myself, "Does anybody really read about all the shekels and the census' and the begetting?

I still have some 1998 to do before bed.

Sweet dreams to all that are already dreaming

And to those still yet to dream.

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