Thursday, August 19, 2010

I don't want to learn anymore....

OMG LATIN!!!!!!!!!

I'm not ready for Latin! I don't want to study it! I don't want to look at it! I don't want to learn it! In fact I'm pretty tired of learning and I want to get off the learning ride. I want to get off and maybe never get on again. I DON'T WANT TO GO BACK TO HIGH SCHOOL!! So far we've studied spelling words, Latin words and done a project about Thomas Edison that had to be redone.....don't ask. I have 4 MORE YEARS and then I'll be out of school for good. UGH! 4 MORE YEARS! DOUBLE UGH!!

On to the next subject....

If skimming is a form of reading the Bible, 20 chapters a day to finish in 60 days, then I'm on target!! Don't' ask me any specific questions about anything though. Because I've been studying LATIN!! And I know there were lots of kings and shekels but in what order? Ummm not so much. 2 Chronicles makes my eyes cross. Lord help me.

Also I began the process of "deep cleaning" my house today. That always scares John because he knows he's gonna get sucked in to help because he can't throw one lousy piece of crap away until I make him. And since I've begun to clean, I'm now on the world tour of cleaning my house. Went through 3 dust rags today and I just did one room. I'm not even ashamed of it either. I know I'm a terrible housekeeper but dust wins the day EVERY TIME!! It comes back 3 seconds after I wipe it off. So what's the big deal about sneezing and coughing up a little dust? It'll be fine.

I'm off to Melanie's. Our nights are winding down because there's lots more learning to do and it starts next week. I want life to just wash over me and not cause me to think of anything. In case you haven't noticed, my brain is Latin fried. And I don't' want to hear about how it's useless Carlie. I want Owen to take it, I just don't' want to relearn it with him! I want to be finished for life with reading riting and rithmatic.......make it go away.......

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You're gonna look up in 5 minutes and he'll be a senior.