Wednesday, September 22, 2010

God bless the soldiers everywhere

Band of Brothers was on TV all day Saturday. I can never resist watching it whenever it comes on. I've watched it so many times I can recite some of the dialogue with them. It's completely mesmerizing to me.

I cannot imagine ever being able to do what those men did to help people become free. The bravery is breath taking. And listening to the old men tell their stories makes me cry every time. I have to stop whatever I'm doing to listen to their words but also to see their faces as they say them. I have to see what they say. I can't imagine ever having the courage to do what they did.

The man they called Popeye says this about Captain Winters, "I don't know how he survived." Then he pauses for what seems like forever and then he says, "But he did."

I love to hear Carwood Lipton recite the poem at the end.

I love to hear at the very end when Captain Winters says, "But I served in a company of heroes..."

It gets me every single time I hear him say those words.

I know I've never been thankful enough for the soldiers.