Monday, September 24, 2012

He was right

Each day of the week, Emma gets dressed. And since this semester is the first time since she began college we're home together every morning, I've not had to participate in the dressing of Emma. Each morning she gets dressed is a group project for the two of us. She begins in her bedroom gathering preliminary elements of her outfit for the day, and once that's finished, my participation becomes necessary.

Sidebar, this is how I get dressed. Find some pants that match a shirt and stick my feet in some shoes. BOOM!

That's not Emma's approach. She may come in the den with some amount of clothes and ask my opinion. She may ask me if something needs ironing. When the answer is yes, that article of clothing is quickly jettisoned. We have talks about shoes and heights of shoes and colors of shoes. We discuss the sincerity of my answers. Then there's the inevitable discussion about belts and colors of belts and widths of belts. And we discuss the sincerity of my answers. After she bought new clothes in Little Rock we discussed her concern over "wasting a new outfit" on a day when not enough people could appreciate it.

It all numbs my mind.

Then the other day as we were having another clothing discussion, I remembered something Gran said about her and it made me laugh. He often said he wished he could see what she was gonna be like when she grew up, because she had "champagne tastes." Even watching her as a little girl he knew it. And he was right. I don't know what made him know it. It's not like she loved Christian Dior when she was 8 years old. But he knew. So the other day I told her I wished he were here to see that he was very right. That she's exactly who he said she'd be. We laughed and she agreed. It made me wish he was here so he could see. I'd love to see him talk with my kids.

I'd love to sit and listen to them talk together.  

He knew this......
Notice the speedy Olivia in the background.

Would become this....

He was very wise.

Happy almost 105th birthday Truly.

Wish you were here. 


Emma said...

Aww I wish he was here too. I've always remembered that he said that about me. Love it.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

I have grieved he and big frank all over again after having William. They would have loved watching him grow!!!!

gnar car said...

very nice. but how do you not just scream I DON'T CAREEEEE when she comes to ask you about her outfit????? i don't have that much patience.

and it's crazy to think i knew my great-grandfather for 15 years of my life. i remember taking him and grandma to the feed and seed store(i was prob 13 and WAY too young to drive but whatevs we did what we wanted) and he said as we were pulling out that he hoped to survive my driving. i laughed then but he was totally serious.

Anonymous said...

Carlie I remember you taking them and I am now surprised that I let you do that. ha
Lin me too hurts my heart a lot.
We were so blessed to have had them for so much of our lives it is amazing!!

Becky said...

Tears in my coffee..........and I'm not sure but I think he said the same thing about me :)