Saturday, September 8, 2012

The saga of my phone camera

I have some really bad news for myself. My phone camera is dead. Well, it's not really dead, but it's as doomed as anything ever was. It all began two weeks ago when I took this picture of Caitlin sitting in a chair like any normal 23 year old. At the time, I didn't notice anything because of the dark green chair hiding the problem.

So then a little later that same day as I was waiting in line for the bathroom in my own house, I looked down and saw Milo inside my bedroom trying to get me.

And then I went into my bedroom and Milo tried to get me again.

And that's when I noticed the black speck in the photo, and I became concerned. So I took some more pictures and confirmed what I already feared. I had a black speck inside my camera lens.

So when I showed it to John, he offered to try to get the speck out, and since he's pretty handy, I agreed. Well, he used some canned air to try to blow it out and when that didn't work, he asked permission to open the back and see if he could get it from the inside. Now this isn't a blame John for my phone camera being ruined, however it is an indictment on two idiots agreeing to open an Apple device and go "digging around" inside. So after the failed attempt at getting the speck out from the inside, he put it back together. And when I took a picture, not only did I have more black specks, there was an added bonus of a thin, highly annoying green line across the screen. UGH. So let's assess shall we? I started out with one black speck on my screen and after the "fix it" attempt I had MULTI specks and a green line. Soooooo annoyed.

Now, fast forward to being in Texas when I decided to open my phone camera with the hope that Jesus had fixed it for me rather than an Apple tech telling me there was nothing they could do. Much to my dismay I discovered not only did I still have multi black specks and a green line, I now had added multi lines as well as the loss of all color, as seen below.

So lets reassess shall we? I started out with one black speck, then added more black specks a green line, PLUS multi lines and colorless everything. It was a terribly disturbing progression.

Because of these developments, photo documentation of my every day life that always includes weird events has come to a screeching halt. If I'm at home and I see something weird or interesting, I can take a photo with my iPad. But if I'm on the go, I got nothing. Whipping out an iPad in Wal Mart to sneak a photo of something or someone would be ridiculous. If my daughters are near by, I can try to commandeer one of their phones and take a pic, but then I have to send it to myself, and then download it onto my computer, and it's just the worst first world problem. So now I'm in desperate need for Apple to announce the release of the iPhone 5 at a reasonable price so I can get back to the business of documenting life as I see it.

And even though the black speck's in this photo, here's an example of life at my house. A couple months ago John "rescued" a box turtle in the street and brought it home, and not long after the turtle came to reside here, it was seen digging a hole for the purpose of laying eggs. Then two weeks ago, Olivia found this baby in the yard.

Now that's fresh out of the egg.

After much searching, it was the only one found. And so the next question was, what to do with it. Because we have 2 cats and 2 dogs, with one of them being Addy, there was much discussion about little turtle being supper for someone. Then a brilliant plan was hatched. On our trip to Texas, we would take little turtle and release it there. Once at the farm, there was more discussion about where to release the tiny turtle. I wanted to release it on the farm so when we came back to visit, he would come up and say hey and we could reconnect. Then Lindsey callously stated, "You're just gonna have to let that dream go." Whatevs.

Finally other people decided to take it to a neighbor's property that had a stream and trees, and so when I say the turtle was taken to live in the country, I'm telling the truth and it's not a metaphor for "turtle heaven."

He traveled to Texas in a shoe box. He's so tiny.

He almost has the same affinity for a photo shoot as Emma and Mollie.

And then after picture taking, he went to live in the big open country.

At this place in Texas.

And I fear we will never see him again.

Godspeed little turtle. Godspeed.

The Texas trip will be forthcoming, but not today and probably not tomorrow, maybe not even this week.

Cause I don't want to.

Later ninja dudes.


Anonymous said...

The camera story was sad and the turtle story was bittersweet. It's all too much for me right now! Tears!

gnar car said...

baby turtle is so cute!!!! rip for your camera.

and i think that's whitney in the comment above. nothing like a good camera and turtle story to get the tears flowing.

Unknown said...

Lisa the dream isn't realistic!!! We don't live in a Disney movie!!