Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Here's what's been up

The new blogging method has caused me much consternation, and therefore I've completely put off new posts. I've got to find a way to work on it without wanting to spew curse words for one half hour. Up until tonight, it's been impossible. But with a little help from John, I may have made a tiny amount of progress. So we shall see. Commentary on pics is the HUGE problem.

Anyway, Since it's past midnight, it's officially less than 3 months til Christmas and 2 months to Christmas trees!! WHAT THE HECK!?!?! Where has 2012 gone?!?! Surely I do not know.

Also I'm now the official owner of the new iPhone 5, and therefore am back in the camera phone business. Which I got just in time to......

Take a picture of Olivia at the game so she could receive extra credit for a class. 

That frightening huge glow behind her is the video screen, not an alien spaceship.

I'm still not over the close game I sat through! So hard to watch without a flicker to change the channels when it gets scary!

I was able to catch Addy's impression of Rin Tin Tin.

Documented new cereal that sounds sort of not great.

Gave Austin the chance to take a weird self portrait.

Took a picture of the cypress in the bayou.

Found a super cute baby to take a picture of. This picture's a little fuzzy due to the fact I hadn't taken the plastic covering off my phone when I took this photo. Ooops!

Documented more of Caitlin's bad super market finds. Gluten free bagel chips? Did she even have to wonder?

Then I saw that same cute baby again.

So Olivia snapped away.

While he cooperated.

What did I take pictures of before he was born?

I can't remember.

Oh well, sweet dreams cute little baby boy.

Later little lambs.


Anonymous said...

I am sorta of seeing why there are so many pictures of Frank when he was the wee babe. I am still mad about so many of him and 2 of me but I sorta get it. SORTA!!! cause I have tons of my own kids from birth!!! HEY there's no excuse!!! hahahahahahahahahaa

gnar car said...

that boy is getting so big!!!