Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Grabbing some air

Before we finished the beach photo venture, we saw some people jumping for a photos. I'm not sure where this phenom began, but after Emma decided to jump, we thought it was THE BEST IDEA EVER. Cause the photos are hilar. Emma fully committed to the moment, and then surprisingly, Caitlin did as well.

After the first jump, a discussion ensued about who would join in the jumping.

These jumping faces are awesome, but the people in the background committed with faces only.


Olivia and Carlie, pitiful. Kudos to Emma, Maggie and Caitlin. I love how Caitlin jumped, but also wanted to keep it modest by holding her skirt. Nice job focusing.

These next three are a contagion, if you will. On the way up.

But there's no air.

I think this was a fake jump.

But well done to the people who actually participated by reaching for some sky.

Makes me proud.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love that we are so easily amused!!