Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Stories to be lived and told...

At the end of the week a fall trip to Texas will be the thing to do. I'm looking forward to October at the farm. It's my favorite.

Here's what's in my head today. Each day of our lives we are writing a story that someday, someone will tell. It may be the story of when and where you were born or when you got married or when you moved or what house you lived in or what job you loved or hated. The stories our family have always told involve love, commitment, service to family, love of Texas, the back porch, 212, a dusty old attic, tragedy, families sticking together through tragedy. All the elements are there to choose a happy story or a sad one. There's also triumph after tragedy. 

Let me tell you a story....

James Gibson Walker married Margaret Jane Garvin on May 14, 1900 and they had six children whose names were Mary Margaret, Owen Lynch, Nina Katherine, James Howard, Joseph Garvin and Frank Meredith. James Gibson died in his sleep when he was just 48 years old leaving his wife and six children to live life without him. His death undoubtedly altered the entire course of the surviving seven for the rest of their lives. His wife quickly had to determine how to raise six kids by herself and earn a living. That's huge for anyone, but especially for a female in 1923. My dad was almost five when he lost his father, and I'm not sure he ever fully recovered from it. My father's loss shaped his life in a way I'm afraid none of us ever understood. My dad's stories included loss, love, farm living, moving to town and living in a boarding house run by his mother, a strong mother, misbehavior, war and being raised by women. My dad was the baby of the family and was a handful for his mother and two older sisters to try to contain. Maggie and Jim were married for 23 years. 

Now hold that thought and lets read about some other families...  

Truly Etheredge married Bessie Louise Webb on May 15, 1926 and they had one child named Billie June Etheredge. Truly and Bessie had a life together that Maggie and Jim, for some reason, were denied. Thinking about Gran and Grandma made me go back and reread the story I wrote about him a year ago. Which led me to remembering him with Grandma. And how he took care of her and gave up things he loved to care for her in her older years. And even though he would tell the story of their courtship and marriage and say it, "wasn't no great love story," I think he was wrong. And while I never saw them kiss one time in my whole life, I did see them work beside each other their entire marriage. They were always loyal and faithful to one another. They helped each other every day. They sat together, worked hard together, and were wonderful grandparents together. He was the fun one and she much more serious. But she laughed at the funny things he said and I know she loved Truly Etheredge as good as she could have and was proud to have him as her husband. Bessie Etheredge was tough as nails, but the older she got, she relied on Gran for her every single thing. And while many times he got frustrated about her dependence on him, he never quit caring for her. His sacrifice was something to behold. And while there's no question romance was lacking in their marriage, their loyalty and devotion to one another was solid and true. I believe they lived well together. Some of their stories include The Daily Sun, vegetable gardens, trips to Six Flags with a picnic lunch of fried chicken and brownies, honey bees in peach trees, pastures, horses, gray tractors, red barns and a loving family. They were married for 74 years. 

My mom, Billie June Etheredge, was working at a drugstore in Corsicana Texas when she met Frank Meredith Walker. He was back from the war and they took a fancy to each other, fell in love and married on June 30, 1949. He was offered the opportunity to run a pharmacy just around the corner from his mother's house and he was going to take the job, but the offer was later rescinded and he and Mom moved to Louisiana to make a life together. There they had six children whose names are Frank Meredith, Rebecca June, William Dale, Melanie Jane, Mary Lisa and Carrie Anna. The stories we tell of our life as a family of eight include restaurants, fires in restaurants, a heart attack, living in Louisiana, vacations to Florida and trips to Texas to see beloved aunts, uncles and grandparents. I'm happy to say my dad outlived his father by 40 years by living to be 88 years old. He and mom were married for 58 years.  

In 1980 William Dale Walker married Lydia Renee Laws on March 1st on a cold snowy day. They had three children whose names are William Jared, Whitney Caroline and Mollie Claire. Their family stories include the YMCA, meeting and marrying quickly, pastoring a church and service to others. Each day they continue to add to theirs. They've been married for 34 years.  

In the summer of 2014 Mollie Claire Walker married Aaron Aubrey Cline on June 22, and the story of their life together has begun. It already includes ULM and soccer and Starbuck's and Alexandria and Lafayette....and much more to be written in the years ahead. Behind them they have a legacy of love and longevity and survival.

Their story now includes the night they were married.

Lets go back and see it...

Guests cooled themselves on this warm Louisiana evening with a glass of ice water before the ceremony. 
The secret service was there for some reason. 
I do declare it was a luvely evenin for a weddin. That sentence MUST be said dripping with a heavy southern accent .
This is a great picture of Becky and Keith.
Austin was happier than he looks here. 
Maggie and I were having a picture off. 
My hair was failing due to the heat. 
Melanie and Randy looking good here. 
Emma was seated off to the side not due to a timeout, but rather for singing purposes.
Maggie taking a picture of me taking a picture of her. 
Carrie in her wedding blue alongside Olivia stylin in her shades. 
Partners in crime. 
Owen escorting Mamaw to her seat. 
Aaron with his Mom. 
Jared and Lydia making their entrance. 
One more.
Everyone's in their places it's time to begin. Aaron, in full sun, was extremely warm.  
The wedding party is coming...
Carlie with a groomsman...sorry I don't know any of their names. 
Aaron's sister Allison. 
Whitney with Aaron's brother Alex.
Whitney tripped on the brick as she was walking down the aisle and Alex saved her from falling. There's a new story. 
All in their places and waiting for the arrival of the bride. 
But the sprinting ring bearer had to come first. 
And he made it...
In record time.

Into Gee's arms...
Relieved and well done. 
The big moment finally arrived. 
Where all eyes turn to see the bride as she comes down the aisle. 
See? I'm ready with camera. 
Here she comes...
On the arm of her father.
Lets watch them come down the aisle. 

It was the happiest of occasions. 
Not only did I miss it once, I missed it twice. I have no words. 
The action of becoming one has begun.
A hug for the soon to be son-in-law.
To be married by brother and father.
It was a beautiful setting. 

Praying while Emma was singing.

Missed again? Yes and no.
A guest got it from the other side and I swiped it from Facebook! Praise the Lord!
It's one and done. 
And over...
Then it was time for the party.
Year one is officially under way. 
And William was all like, "Where they goin?"
"Come back!" 
"If they aren't comin back, then I'm thinking bout taking this flower off."
"Yep. I'm doin it."

It was a lovely wedding ceremony on a warm southern night in Louisiana.  

Sounds like the beginning of a wonderful story.... 


Anonymous said...

Well that was just the sweetest! I love a good story!! Especially happy ones!!!

gnar car said...

love love love!!

Mollie_Walker said...

This post is exceptional. No joke. I LOVE this post!!!! 💗💗💗

CAW said...

Great job!!

Becky said...

What a WONDERFUL story - told only like you can tell it - SO well!! So happy we have so many other great love stories to tell :)

Becky said...

OH and as I was just about to lose it in tears......the Secret Service showed up!! hahahaha Loved it!!!

Emma said...

I seem to have quite a bit of sass going in that photo of me. Are we surprised?