Thursday, March 14, 2013

The events of yesterday, not to be confused with yesteryear

Yesterday was a full day. We started ridiculously early by surprising Whitney with a birthday breakfast, followed by a pope being chosen, Gap and ending it with watching Duck Dynasty tonight. Yes sir, that's a full and diverse day. 

Let me break it down. 

Starting with the obvious, six o'clock in the morning is too early. Did you know it's dark outside at 6am? I didn't, nor did I want to. Found out this morning. The early surprising of Whitney was determined by others to have a pre-crack of dawn delicious breakfast made by Lydia and Mollie, as well as the giving of shoes to her for her birthday. I was totally fine with the surprise, but 10:00 would have been much more manageable, even though many attendees would've been at work. Now the reason for the shoe giving is because for the last several years Whitney's been giving the girls in the fam shoes for their birthdays, so it was decided they would each give her a pair to return the gifting. 
The shoes ranged from NBC peacock slippers to garden and casual. All in all, except for the early hour, the surprising and the shoe giving was a huge success.
William was there and enjoyed the peacock slippers. 
He also enjoyed some strawberries AND some "raspberries."
While admiring himself.
And totally surrounded by women. One day he'll staunchly avoid parties like this but for now, he enjoys the snacks that come with. 

Then after the party some poor suckers had to go to work, while others may or may not have taken a nap. The may or may notters will remain nameless. After I woke up, I turned on the TV to find that a new pope had been chosen, being revealed to us by the white smoke coming from the official pope chimney. It was very exciting. And I'm not being sarcastic. It was all very moving to behold. However due to the fact I had a surprise party to attend, and due to the lack of jetting to the Vatican City, I have no pics of the pope picking. BUT. In the last two days there's been much discussion at our house about pope picking. It began on Tuesday as Olivia and I saw the black smoke come out of the official pope chimney, which of course is a sign to the world that a majority pope vote had yet to be achieved.  At which point Olivia stated, "You know if we (meaning the U.S.) did the whole chimney thing when we elect a president using red and blue smoke, I'd be much more interested in the process." I most heartily agreed. 

Then yesterday, after the pope picking, Caitlin, Olivia and I were awaiting the first appearance of the newly named pope. The news peeps were talking about how the papal tailor (we added ALL KINDS of new words to our vocabulary in the last few days) had to make small, medium and large vestments due to the fact they didn't know what size the new pope would be. Which caused Olivia to say, "You know why they have to do that; there's obviously no quality control in the papal garment industry." Which caused me and Caitlin to laugh out loud. This statement although hilarious is not her original thought, because at our house, when our girls are conversing about the sizing of clothes they buy it causes their father to state, "You know why sizing varies so much? It's because there's no quality control in the garment industry."  The nerd herd is alive and well.   

Then yesterday Emma subbed for the lady I work with, and as we were sitting outside in the glorious sunshine, a 5 year old girl came to tell me she had, for some unknown reason, been instantly shunned by a 4 year old causing immediate sadness. I talked to the two for a sec and sent them on their way and as I did Emma said, "What I really want to say to her is five year old girl, life is hard and people are jerks and sometimes they are really mean so you better get used to being tossed aside and forgotten and treated like crap. Grow up and get over it!" We both agreed five isn't the age for that revelation.  

Then when we got home, John and I ate a different taco salad that wasn't very great and the rest of the night was spent fighting for the shower line while watching Duck Dynasty. 

And that, in a nutshell, is how yesterday played out. 

The excitement of my life can't be contained in one blog post. 

It's just too thrilling. 

Gots to go. 

Peace out popers.


gnar car said...

yesterday was such a long day.
today was such a long day.


Anonymous said...

I'm still exhausted and I didn't have to work ; )

Mollie_Walker said...

Was the taco salad different because there wasn't chocolate in it???